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Author Topic: Feature Request: In mission saves  (Read 4542 times)

Offline Silveressa

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Feature Request: In mission saves
« on: February 20, 2008, 03:09:04 pm »
Just a simple request to enable in mission saves for a future release of UFO AI; for the simple reason that on some of the longer ones I don;t always have time to play the mission all the way through In a single setting, and having to leave the game booted up when I'm not at home or using the PC is really inconvenient.

Granted this is might make missions "easier" per se, since you can just reload after a bad tactical choice, but then again there's nothing forcing you to save every single turn either ;) (perhaps adding in a "enable in mission saves" button to the options screen would be a good idea or only enabling it for normal and lower difficulties?)


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Re: Feature Request: In mission saves
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 05:02:32 pm »
I'm sorry but I don't think they are going to make this :)
Search in the forum, they have already explained why they won't allow savegames during tactical missions.


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Re: Feature Request: In mission saves
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 05:24:40 pm »
Linux (and Mac OS X?) users can send the game to sleep with "killall -s SIGSTOP ufo", though. It should have the desired effect, provided you have enough swap / virtual memory.

EDIT: oh, and "killall -s SIGCONT ufo" to revive it! Sorry  :P

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Offline Silveressa

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Re: Feature Request: In mission saves
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2008, 07:02:09 pm »
Alrighty I dug up some of those old thread and the arguments basically seem be along the line of it making the game too easy (and if real life causes you to have to leave Etiher game and lose an hour or mores work well too damn bad)

However I do think i came up with a simple couple simple compromise ideas that would satisfy both parties desires.

#1: Make the game do an single auto save every 10 minutes that you can reload from. That way if real life takes you away in a hurry (such as being a Dr. on call to the ER or a parent with children) or power outages & random PC crashes are a problem the most you;ve lost is 10 Min's of work. This way you don't have a readily available "redo" button that they feel lowers difficulty.

#2 Give the player one 1 or 2 saves per mission but that's it! This way they won't be saving every single turn and the difficulty will still be kept up, yet if you need to leave in a hurry due to a storm coming up, or having to head to work, you haven't blown a hour or more of hard work.

Just curious if anyone else likes these concepts to give both groups what they're after.


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Re: Feature Request: In mission saves
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2008, 05:52:33 pm »
I recall one of my GBA Castlevania games. It had a save feature that let you save anytime, but just to reboot the GBA. I.e., you could not continue playing after the save, it just saved the current game state and next time you started you could restore that state or load an normal save (from a saveroom). If you chose to load a saved game your instant save was lost. If you loaded the instant save you could continue from that point, but not reload that save again. Iirc. Might have seen that on some rpg, maybe Breath of fire or Golden sun...

This way of saving would solve this dilemma, without ruining the hard work needed to win a mission.

Offline brackxs

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Re: Feature Request: In mission saves
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2008, 06:19:39 pm »
I recall one of my GBA Castlevania games. It had a save feature that let you save anytime, but just to reboot the GBA. I.e., you could not continue playing after the save, it just saved the current game state and next time you started you could restore that state or load an normal save (from a saveroom). If you chose to load a saved game your instant save was lost. If you loaded the instant save you could continue from that point, but not reload that save again. Iirc. Might have seen that on some rpg, maybe Breath of fire or Golden sun...

This way of saving would solve this dilemma, without ruining the hard work needed to win a mission.

i support this one


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Re: Feature Request: In mission saves
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2008, 07:00:56 pm »
I like the auto save feature (you can give the player the ability to chose after how many minutes to save in options) if we don't want to switch to saving during a mission as a general feature.