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Author Topic: error trying to compile  (Read 3439 times)


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error trying to compile
« on: February 22, 2008, 07:10:16 am »
Trying to compile svn rev15133 with MINGW and MSYS under windows.
Installed various libraries in my MINGW folder by drag and drop, except the SDL, which I compiled with MSYS then dragged and dropped it into MINGW folder.
I have put this also: SDL_mixer-1.2.8-1-i386-mingw32.tar.gz
But it won't get past configure because of: checking SDL_mixer.h presence... yes
checking for SDL_mixer.h... yes
checking for library containing Mix_OpenAudio... no
configure: error: You must have the SDL_mixer development libraries

If you need more info to help me to get this compiling just tell me what, I'm fairly new to this and gave up on cygwin before... but see I am here to learn :P

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Re: error trying to compile
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2008, 09:47:08 am »
i've never tested it with configure under windows

we ar using a prepackaged mingw archive which you can download at

if you are able to get it running with msys, please send a patch for the (which you have to patch afaik)


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Re: error trying to compile
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2008, 03:41:58 pm »
Thank you for the quick and helpfull reply.
No way I can update the configure :P
Seen the error in the log now and if I remove the mixer check it moans about the TTF next lol

Anyways compiled without errors with codeblocks - kinda userfriendly :)
Now compiling the maps, which might take some hours >.<
If I need more help I'll open a new thread :)