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Author Topic: BuG: Unable to research Ufo Fighter, Ufo Harvester or Ufo Propulsion  (Read 3238 times)

Offline Silveressa

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Like the title says I'm currently unable to research any of these things. I've collected about a dozen UFO propulsion's systems and captured both a harvester and a fighter and gotten the research proposal mails for all 3. However whenever I try to research any of them they appear white/grayed out and the standard mesage "we do not have all the necessary materials etc.. to research this item yet."

(And yes I have both a laboratory, workshop, and UFO hangers in the same base.)

I've even tried transferring the items to another base but to no avail. These are currently the only things available to reseach in my research tree, so researching something else before I can  do these ones isn't;t possible either.

If anyone's interested in looking at my save files just send me a PM and let me know where to e-mail them.


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Re: BuG: Unable to research Ufo Fighter, Ufo Harvester or Ufo Propulsion
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 05:29:28 pm »
Like the title says I'm currently unable to research any of these things. I've collected about a dozen UFO propulsion's systems and captured both a harvester and a fighter and gotten the research proposal mails for all 3. However whenever I try to research any of them they appear white/grayed out and the standard mesage "we do not have all the necessary materials etc.. to research this item yet."

Unfortunately, right now you have to continue playing until you capture a Scout.  The alien craft trees all branch out from the Scout research.  They plan to change this in a future version so that you can research "UFO Theory" after the first capture of any alien craft, but it is not in the current versions.



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Re: BuG: Unable to research Ufo Fighter, Ufo Harvester or Ufo Propulsion
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 06:48:56 pm »
I reported the continuity issue between mail and actual research, they say said to re-post the bug if it is not fixed in the next release

I think a research item needs to state what is missing or what is preventing you from research, that is to say any research item should show its prerequisite and resulting technology

the way it is now, gives me a feeling of just being lost and having no purpose. If I know whats missing then I can plan a strategy to get what I need
and that will make the game more interesting and more challenging