Technical support > Linux

No Language with Debian packages?


Hello there.

After my initial problems with the startup, the Game runs very well on my PC.

I use Debian/Lenny and after one or two attempts to use the compiled game, I switched to the .deb's.

compiling/installing runs really smooth, however after installing the .deb's the Game had no language.

Okay, it was rather easy  to solve, i just had to copy the i18n-folder to /usr/lib/games/ufoai/base (after doing a "make lang").

It seems, that the languages are not included into the debian-packages.

Any Hint, what I did wrong?

I first searched for a "make deblang" or so but was unable to find that in the /build-dir or anywhere else, so I presume, it doesnt exist :)

I had this experience with Kubuntu myself, I solved it by installing poedit from the repo before compiling the game.

it is because the build scripts don't have support for the po/mo files yet - patches are highly welcome

i add

--- Code: ---base/i18n/* /usr/share/locale/
base/i18n/* /usr/lib/games/ufoai/base/i18n/

--- End code ---
in debian/ufoai-data.install and after make deb and installation i have language support :)

why not make a patch (diff) using svn and submit it here



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