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Author Topic: weapons_human critique  (Read 4754 times)


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weapons_human critique
« on: December 29, 2006, 07:28:30 pm »
I've been posting a lot lately it seems, I'll admit that I am quite impressed with the game and would like to work to make it better. Thats why I want to give a few suggestions on some things that I thougth odd, and something that I thought is missing.

First of all I  thought it a bit curious that a hand gun has the same damage as an assault rifle "20 5", while the sub machine gun has roughly half. Generally sub machine guns are in their class because although they have the same rate of fire as an assualt rifle, they are chambered for hand gun rounds (current NATO standard being 9mm, maybe they will go up by 2084? but even then SMGs and hand guns go up together). Thus the pistol and SMG should have the same damage rating.

I realize this makes the pistol look quite useless. So instead I suggest the pistol be a fully auto variant similar to a glock 19. (make fully auto the secondary fire option)

but as it is small give it a much larger (ridiculous) spread, more than the SMG.

Furthermore I like your current categories. I notice you have an RPG which is certainly a heavy weapon, but I notice no suppresive fire weapons. No M60 or M249 equivalent? Currently when I advance my guys in the game I have to use snipers to cover them, but in the military we usually had a guy carrying a heavy bullet hose with a high rate of fire making sure if the other guys stuck their heads up they would get them blown off. I think it would be prudent to include an m60 equivalent as a default human technology. Make it a heavy weapon, give it a "30 5" damage ratting (what I estimate a m60 would be in this gave) or make it the equivalent to the assualt rifle (like a M249)  at "20 5", then give it a slightly higher rate of fire, but higher time. the high time ensures you would have to employ the guy in a defenseive or covering position for other soldiers, thus distinguishing it from an "assault weapon"

I also realize people are full of suggestions but not always full of work. After I am done with the Korean translation, if I (or someone else) were to make the model, skin, and ufo file entry, test it, make sure its balanced and conservative (to reflect its status as an initial human technology), and of course release it as GPL; what chance would it have of being accepted in the game?

Otherwise I would work on a couple maps...

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Re: weapons_human critique
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2006, 09:43:04 pm »
Quote from: "captbbq"
I've been posting a lot lately it seems, I'll admit that I am quite impressed with the game and would like to work to make it better. Thats why I want to give a few suggestions on some things that I thougth odd, and something that I thought is missing.

First of all I  thought it a bit curious that a hand gun has the same damage as an assault rifle "20 5", while the sub machine gun has roughly half. Generally sub machine guns are in their class because although they have the same rate of fire as an assualt rifle, they are chambered for hand gun rounds (current NATO standard being 9mm, maybe they will go up by 2084? but even then SMGs and hand guns go up together). Thus the pistol and SMG should have the same damage rating.

I realize this makes the pistol look quite useless. So instead I suggest the pistol be a fully auto variant similar to a glock 19. (make fully auto the secondary fire option)

but as it is small give it a much larger (ridiculous) spread, more than the SMG.

Furthermore I like your current categories. I notice you have an RPG which is certainly a heavy weapon, but I notice no suppresive fire weapons. No M60 or M249 equivalent? Currently when I advance my guys in the game I have to use snipers to cover them, but in the military we usually had a guy carrying a heavy bullet hose with a high rate of fire making sure if the other guys stuck their heads up they would get them blown off. I think it would be prudent to include an m60 equivalent as a default human technology. Make it a heavy weapon, give it a "30 5" damage ratting (what I estimate a m60 would be in this gave) or make it the equivalent to the assualt rifle (like a M249)  at "20 5", then give it a slightly higher rate of fire, but higher time. the high time ensures you would have to employ the guy in a defenseive or covering position for other soldiers, thus distinguishing it from an "assault weapon"

I also realize people are full of suggestions but not always full of work. After I am done with the Korean translation, if I (or someone else) were to make the model, skin, and ufo file entry, test it, make sure its balanced and conservative (to reflect its status as an initial human technology), and of course release it as GPL; what chance would it have of being accepted in the game?

Otherwise I would work on a couple maps...

I've actually already modelled a light machine gun ( -- ) but I lack the skill to texture it. Perhaps you'd be interested?

Either way, the chances of some type of machine gun getting into the game are 100%. Any good, appropriate textured model will be accepted.


PS. As far as weapon damage is concerned, it's completely unbalanced at the moment. Much work need to be done in that area.


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weapons_human critique
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2007, 06:35:13 pm »
looks good to me, only I suggest the body be lower. Being that this is a game, form doesn't necessarily have to follow function, rather it needs to follow imagination a little bit.

do you have a 3d file type I could use to attach a skin to it?


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Re: weapons_human critique
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2008, 02:26:15 am »
i mentioned it elsewhere but how about a grenade launcher/machine gun like the m203

smaller clip than an assault rifle, fires 1 - 3 grenades before reloading, with smaller blast radius than the regular grenade launcher.