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New soldier stat increase system

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Thank you for this beautiful game... I'm a great fan of ufoai, I am playing it since the 2.0 realease.

I've just finished a campaign at difficult level and I think the stats increase system works well.
My most experienced soldiers have faced about 50 different missions; one of them arrived at mind score of 76 before being killed.
The characteristic that is increased the most is mind: you get more or less 1 point of it every mission.
Accuracy also grows, but slowly: after finishing the game, a sniper can get up to 10-15 points of accuracy if you keep sending him in every mission.
Speed is really difficult to increase: I'm not sure, but the veteran soldiers gained 1 or 2 points of speed at the end of the game.
The weapon skills also get increased: more or less, you get a point for every kill with a certain weapon.
It is ok that accuracy and speed grow slower than mind, because I believe that at a certain point you will implement some mechanism to 'train' soldiers, and while you can easily increase your speed and accuracy by training, it is not the same for mind.

I have only a few points to make:
- stats don't increase if you automatically finish missions.
- I have a soldier which I use as an 'explorer'.
He carries only a pistol and a medikit, and I use him to discover where the aliens were hiding while the others soldiers cover him.
Well... after 50 missions, he didn't increase his speed stat, even if he was the one which has run the most. Maybe you should add a bonus to the experience score when a soldier discover an alien, and when he uses a medikit.
- I don't really understand what the mind attribute is for... before reading this post, I believed it was influencing the growth in other stats - for example, a soldier with an higher score in mind would increase its weapon skills faster.


--- Quote from: BTAxis on February 13, 2008, 07:15:33 pm ---Realistically, it makes no sense for soldiers to start off with such low stats. They're supposed to be elite soldiers.
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I was going to suggest something quite quick-n-easy :) Shift the stat/skill "tags" one level down: Mediocre becomes Average, Average becomes Competent, etc. It is a bit odd to see "the best of the best of the best" have Mediocre skills everywhere ;) But this way, they are at least Average soldiers from the very start, with some Competent or even Proficient. We'd need a new rank though, as you can't get better than Superhuman! :D God-like? Anyway, you get the idea :)

@ufogio: You probably weren't using the latest trunk, just the latest release. The latest release uses the old increase system, which is based purely on kills.


--- Quote from: nemchenk on February 13, 2008, 07:11:23 pm --- "We can rebuild him, we have the technology!" ;)

--- End quote ---


But do you have 6.000.000 credits left...?  ::)

Anyway. The effective loss of soldiers due to crippling by too many serious injuries is a good point. I consider 0 health not necessarily as a dead body but as a loss. No matter if this guy will be burried, gets attached to machines or will be able to live a happy civil life not fit for combat again. That's enough punishment. Everyone else is not injuried to a point where he cannot fully regenerate.
How does this sound? We do not need to make it more complicated imho.


--- Quote from: BTAxis on February 13, 2008, 07:52:54 pm ---@ufogio: You probably weren't using the latest trunk, just the latest release. The latest release uses the old increase system, which is based purely on kills.

--- End quote ---

I just downloaded the 2.3 dev version trunk 14220. Is the new system implemented in this version? If not, is there any way to implement it in the dev version?


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