Technical support > Mac

Item Use


Every time I try to use the medkit, the game crashes. Which is a bummer, as I can never seem to have enough soldiers to have two (or more) fire times.

Also, I don't seem to be able to use the headgear, the only one that I can currently use is the IR Googles. Which is brilliant, if it works how it works in my head. I always hated those electro flares.

Also, when my soldiers die, I go over to retrieve their primary weapons and they disappear. I've look over the  forums, and the wiki. Didnt see this anywhere.

can you provide us with a backtrace about the medikit issue? see the wiki debugging article for more information.

that info would really help to fix the bug (hopefully)


--- Quote from: mrwiggles on February 11, 2008, 09:49:31 am ---Also, I don't seem to be able to use the headgear, the only one that I can currently use is the IR Googles.
--- End quote ---

The night vision goggles don't yet do anything.


--- Quote from: eleazar on February 11, 2008, 07:02:53 pm ---The night vision goggles don't yet do anything.

--- End quote ---

Ah nuts.
As for the back trace. Will do.


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