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Melee attacks -- roadmap?

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Armour works very well but for some reason someone decided it to be very weak against firearms that can burst. For the first alien armour I have set a protection value of 30 against all firearms save for bolter and sniper rifle. That means. taht the only human sidearms able to penetrate it are P-12 pistol (35 +/-17 dmg) and combat knife (40 +/-20 dmg). Makes the game much more challenging. I also made it so that medium alien armour is almost completely bulletproof with protection value of 80. It gives you the nice "oh shit!" feeling, when a point blank cannonade from bolter rifle doesn`t seem to scratch it :D

Check this out:

--- Code: ---// =======================
// =======================

//weights 100
item light_alien
name "_Alien Body Armour"
image armour/taman_light
model aliens/tamanlight/body01
type armour
shape "0 0 3 4"
center "0 0 -5"
scale 0.7
price 1400
size 50
buytype armour
useable 1
//TODO: TU penalty value. No support for this yet.

protection {
normal_light 30
normal_medium 30
normal_heavy 20
normal_spray        9

steelblade 10

monomolecularblade 5

blast 35

fire_medium 10
fire_heavy 10
fire_flamer         1

shock 0

plasma_light 20
plasma_medium 50
plasma_heavy 80

laser_light 20
laser_medium 10
laser_heavy 5

particlebeam_light 5
particlebeam_medium 1
particlebeam_heavy 1

stun 0

rating {
normal 30
steelblade 10
monomolecularblade 5
blast 35
fire 10
shock 0
plasma 50
laser 15
particlebeam 1
stun 10

//weights 120
item medium_alien
name "_Medium Alien Armour"
image armour/taman_medium
model aliens/tamanmedium/body01
type armour
shape "0 0 3 4"
center "0 0 -5"
scale 0.7
price 7500
size 75
buytype armour
useable 1
//TODO: TU penalty value. No support for this yet.

protection {
normal_light 100
normal_medium 100
normal_heavy 80
normal_spray        12

steelblade 60

monomolecularblade 10

blast 40

fire_medium 40
fire_heavy 40
fire_flamer         4

shock 10

plasma_light 10
plasma_medium 30
plasma_heavy 50

laser_light 30
laser_medium 20
laser_heavy 10

particlebeam_light 40
particlebeam_medium 30
particlebeam_heavy 20

stun 10

rating {
normal 90
steelblade 60
monomolecularblade 10
blast 40
fire 20
shock 10
plasma 30
laser 20
particlebeam 30
stun 10

--- End code ---


--- Quote from: tobbe on February 17, 2008, 11:23:08 am ---I agree to the fact, that melee weapons should not be as effective as guns, but the need some edge, so they actually might be used.

--- End quote ---
How about disabling ranged attacks if the enemy stands next to you? The one thing, I really liked about tabletop games, like WH40K and etc. is how you can tie your opponent in hand-to-hand combat, so that he won`t be able to fire his omgpwnzor heavy bolter in your face.

Wohoo! You could do Bruce Lee-kick in Duke Nukem 3D in addition of the other kick = kicking with two feet at the same time!  ;D

Umm, did I go offtopic?

Panthera Leo:
I don't think you should skimp on the melee damage. A good crack to the ribs is going to put you in more hurt then anything short of a hallow point or cannon round. I like the stun damage part though.

Why should the guns make with the blunt force trauma? Hint: Swords, flails, and maces where not abandoned because they weren't gruesomely effective at killing.They where abandoned because it was easier to "shoot someone dead" someone before they could make use of the implements of pain.

Edit: Odd the bolt rifles wouldn't do massive damage. The description says they do, and they should have a higher muzzle velocity then the assault rifle.

***The squeamish need not read further***

I'm sorry, but your not going to beat the sheer damage of someone's head being forceably crushed by a flail, being cleaved in two by claymore(The two-handed one, before someone get else else goes nerd  on me and ask which claymore.), or your gut being put though the blender with a short sword. The modern age has the stopping power, but your not going to beat the sheer collateral damage of the dark ages. There are sets of circumstances stances you can survive a gun shot to the head; The bullet following the outside of the skull, instead of going into it. You're not going to survive your rib cage or head suddenly being collapses to the width of a pancake. Neither the sudden destruction of you gut, with acid oozing everywhere.

Edit 2: Think of how a good sharp knife will slice though a tomato and you'll feel almost no resistance. How apply that to the human body. Hollywood doesn't show you anything, a battle field in the dark ages would have limbs everywhere and the ground red with small streams of blood flowing down hill.

Panthera Leo, so your approach would be to increase the damage done from hand-to-hand attacks, but increase their TU usage as well? I mean, landing a blow with said claymore is going to take considerably longer than lining up a shot and squeezing the trigger.

Also, in your comparison of swords v guns, you neglect to consider the effect of shockwaves and tumble. Even without hollow-point ammo, modern firearms do some very nasty things to the human body.


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