Technical support > Mac

A number of issues

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Re #1) I had the purple/pink cube show up in one mission while transferring a medkit into the hands of a soldier who was standing in the dropship next to a wounded comrade.  The cube appeared between the medic and the wounded.
Re #2) I had the same thing occur with a base with 4 Storages (40,000 total), figured that was the problem because selling one fixed it (down to 30,000, though).
Re #6) When playing on a weaker computer, I encountered this problem.  In actuality, the soldier seems to be at the proper location, but his visual model can get stuck anywhere from 1-3 spaces short of his destination.  I can click on the visually empty space to select the soldier properly, however.  The visual error does not correct when crouching, but will correct once he begins moving again.


--- Quote from: Vanth on February 06, 2008, 12:00:58 pm ---Yes, it's 60000 if I remember correctly.

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I can see why it has been only fixed in the trunk. kraken, it should be possible to also
fix this to some degree in 2.2 by using an unsigned short instead of a signed short - then at least people could have up to 65535 storage spaces without breaking save game compatibility. The work around for now is to not build more than three storage buildings in each base.

--- Quote from: Vanth on February 06, 2008, 12:00:58 pm ---Will try: still there is an issue with one base (not the last in the list) where only one interceptor out of two shows up. Surely the list of bases for drop missions is shorter, still one base does not show up.

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Make sure both interceptors are armed and there is enough hanger space - each interceptor requires one small hangar. The only way to really see what is going on is to take a look at your save game.

--- Quote from: Vanth on February 06, 2008, 12:00:58 pm ---Thanks for the suggestion. It is not an issue of TUs, the trooper becomes permanently stuck and at times it is plainly difficult to figure out which route the soldier will follow and therefore how to avoid getting stuck...

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I should have been clearer - when you click on a space only two away and the soldier goes off randomly, it is usually because there is an obstacle in their way. You can see if that is the case by looking at the required TUs when moving the cursor around.


--- Quote from: tchristney on February 06, 2008, 07:00:54 pm ---I can see why it has been only fixed in the trunk. kraken, it should be possible to also
fix this to some degree in 2.2 by using an unsigned short instead of a signed short - then at least people could have up to 65535 storage spaces without breaking save game compatibility. The work around for now is to not build more than three storage buildings in each base.

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This will be fixed in 2.2.1 without breaking savegame: capacity will be recalculated after loading a game

I hate redundant information in files. Cheaply derived values like that shouldn't even be saved at all - they are just a source of conflicting information.  >:(


--- Quote from: tchristney on February 06, 2008, 07:00:54 pm ---I should have been clearer - when you click on a space only two away and the soldier goes off randomly, it is usually because there is an obstacle in their way. You can see if that is the case by looking at the required TUs when moving the cursor around.

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That does not seem to be the case. Actually something I noticed happens sometimes is the following: I point to some place, a number of squares away. The bounding box is green and the TUs numbers say something like (for instance) 13 (17), which should mean everything is fine as far as this move is concerned. You click once and nothing happens. Try it again and TUs are detracted, still the trooper does not move; again and he remains where he is but turns to face the other way...
This seems to occur in a specially bad way in the map corruptcity04d, which is also, for reasons I do not know, extremely jerky...
An example is the attached image: I have been trying to move the selected trooper to the stop where the bounding box is for five turns, with no success. The trooper on the left was also directed to the same spot (starting a couple of paces behind) but ended getting stuck in the police car instead...

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