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UFOpedia question

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Doctor J:

--- Quote from: gruush on April 12, 2008, 08:52:59 pm ---Hrm, so is there a different build I should be using for a stable Mac experience?
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Unfortunately, 2.2 is as stable as it gets.  There are rumors of a 2.2.1 bugfix release, but you shouldn't hold your breath waiting for it.  If the devs don't put up a replacement binary with the new library, i will see about putting something together.

An easy fix for the SDL bug is to simply download the updated SDL, SDL_ttf and SDL_mixer frameworks and replace the ones in with the newer versions. They are API compatible and seem to work well. I've been running the game this way for a couple months now without the level switching bug happening.

Doctor J:

--- Quote from: tchristney on April 16, 2008, 11:12:10 pm ---An easy fix for the SDL bug is to simply download the updated SDL, SDL_ttf and SDL_mixer frameworks and replace the ones in with the newer versions. They are API compatible and seem to work well. I've been running the game this way for a couple months now without the level switching bug happening.

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I was unaware i could do that.  Nice hint, here's a virtual beer!   ::)  FWIW, the TTF and mixer frameworks in the binary appear to be up to date, so i think you only have to replace SDL.framework.


--- Quote from: billb on January 25, 2008, 06:26:43 pm ---I'm having the same issue.  Worked fine for me the first time I played, and then I quit to check my email.  When I restarted, all the research results and proposals were replaced with the_txt_file_names, like so.

I thought I could clear it up by choosing a language too, so I chose English, loaded my game, and no luck.  I'm running v 2.2, the .dmg.

Otherwise, I haven't had an issue.  Thanks so much for making this.  I've been waiting a long time for XCOM on a mac.

EDIT:  Got it working.  Switched to another language, switched back to English, quit immediately, relaunched, and it worked!

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Yes!  Thanks for posting your fix... I was having the same issue; the "pick another language" approach seems to have cured me, too.


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