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UFOpedia question

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there should be more - what happens when you try to select one of the languages from the options menu?

Fixed!   Choosing a language and restarting the game worked.   Thanks everyone!

I'm having the same issue.  Worked fine for me the first time I played, and then I quit to check my email.  When I restarted, all the research results and proposals were replaced with the_txt_file_names, like so.

I thought I could clear it up by choosing a language too, so I chose English, loaded my game, and no luck.  I'm running v 2.2, the .dmg.

Otherwise, I haven't had an issue.  Thanks so much for making this.  I've been waiting a long time for XCOM on a mac.

EDIT:  Got it working.  Switched to another language, switched back to English, quit immediately, relaunched, and it worked!

and this happens everytime when you quit the game and restart it?

Hi folks!

I am currently taking a look at the language setup code. I think there is an error in how the language codes are resolved.
For example, I tried with "es_ES.UTF8" in s_language (I am not quite sure how this got into the configuration from the environment definition. It does not get matched during CL_LanguageInit() because it is checked literally against the language code "es" only. I think there is a confusion between locale specification and language codes, but I have not yet fully analyzed the code.
BTW there is a locale called "est" for estonian in the distribution. This does not really look like a 2 letter ISO code and is likely to break internationalisation a bit. (I discovered that while experimentally cutting down the string compare to the first two letters to isolate the language code only...)


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