Technical support > Mac

[OT] thank you


I am well aware this might be the appropriate forum but .. well it's the mac forum afterall so maybe it is not that wrong :D

Anyways, I loved the original XCOMs and am very glad there is a clone that works on the mac. Also... i didnt expect it to run so smooth and nearly 'perfect' for me.

So just: Thank you for bringing this great game to the mac as an easly usable dmg :)

BTW: I use a MBP Core2Duo 2,3 Ghz - osx 10.5.1

Ditto, I'm a huge fan of the old XCOM, and I'm glad that the effort was made to bring the remake to the Mac as well... well done! I plan on playing this a lot, so I'll try to help test/log bugs as much as I can.


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