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Autofire TU Usage
The current system is a bit silly when it comes to handling autofire. This is because all forms of autofire deduct a flat # of TUs when instead they should instead deduct a percentage as speed and other abilities have no bearing on an weapon's non-semiauto fire rate whatsoever. In otherwords, it doesnt matter how sluggish you are save for obvious extremes; you will discharge a rifle on full-auto as fast as Donovan Bailey. Flat rates, or speed influenced TU costs make sense in the case of semi-automatic fire, as one's ability to tap the trigger dictates in large part the corresponding weapon's firing speed.
It would be kind of nice if Autofire varied, but then it would be nice if Squad members improved with use, I can send a Soldier through 300 missions with the same Assault Rifle and He/she will never gain one ounce of improvement so With These skill levels yeah the flat rate sounds fine, Balances out the null Improvement. If they added Skill improvement or a training facility it might be more in keeping to work on the autofire stuff, otherwise generics fine...
If speed indicates only movement speed I agree with Surrealistik. But if speed also indicates being quick and swift in meanings of "good reflexes" I think a fix amount of TU is not wrong.
In my understanding TUs represent the actions deducable in a given time period (that is the round, every soldier is performing actions at the same time but has a different amount of TUs).
If you are quicker in grabbing your grenade from the belt you are able to throw twice in the same time I can only throw one. You are quicker ("speedy") given a necessary amount of accuracy for every action.
If you would take a percentage let's say 10% for hammering auto-fire with your MG that would even the time amount (10% of a 5 secs. round -fix amount of time in one round- is always 0.5 secs.). That's perfectly realistic since you cannot negotiate the rate of fire of your standardised MG. It takes the same amount of seconds for everyone.
But the aiming and "reacting" is taking different time periods for people with different reflexes. That is analogue to semi-auto fire (time for pulling the trigger does not differ that much among trained soldiers).
How about some mixture between percentage and a fix amount of TUs to represent the given physics of rate of fire?
I disagree. If there would be a fixed amount of TUs for Autofire modes, some weapons would simply be WAY overprowered. The different amount of TUs (for all firemodes) is simply needed for balance reasons, regardless how easy it may be to pull the trigger...
Can you please explain this a bit more detailed? How is a weapon imbalanced if the soldier is able to handle it more quickly? If swiftness and accuracy under stress -if that is as well a proper interpretation of the speed variable- enables one soldier to aim quicker it is not the weapon which is imbalanced but rather the soldiers advantage for his higher speed.
I think your argument would merely point out that we should consider less additional TU per speed point?
But this has nothing to do with realistic impact on weapon use.
I would agree that TU should be considered carefully as a trained soldier is not that much slower than a very good sprinter.
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