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First aid?

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The way they were handled in X-COM was probably the perfect use for them.  Heal critical wounds and stop people bleeding to death, but only granting a small amount of health back.

What about percentage Healing?
If your soldier gets wounded lightly you can heal let's say 50%-70% of the damage.
The more serious the case the less percentage you can heal on the battlefield.
That also prevents "temporal healing" from actually kill the soldiers or let him have negative health (if possible for the variable) after the mission.

The way medikits are handled right now, percentages would have te be coded somehow...I agree to the effect, that hospitals and medics are quite useless right now. Once the skill advancement is fully implemented, I would completely agree to temporary healing. But I think to greatly reduce the effectiveness of the medipacks would dangerously increase the amount of losses in battle...and I think UFO:AI in difficult enough right now. Just take into consideration, that loosing an experienced soldier (lets say 20+ missions) a catastophic event... you are absolutely dependant on vets to stay competetive...

I might have to add, that i really like to play the game with elite troops and i like to see them getting better and competetive...

I agree with the above, right now I find myself destroying the hospital buildings and putting something else there, and the implants button is just a tease for me as well.  For right now, Id rather save the money spent on the hospitals and medics and just hire another soldier when one dies.

But I do like the idea, maybe if healing was instantaneous instead, and the implants were more of a temporary enhancement, like sterroids.  Then there can be certain types of enhancements, such as accuracy, speed, etc.

In fact I just got a starcraft idea in my head, and give the soldiers in the mission some stimpacks to give them a boost of TUs for a round or two with the loss of some valuable health.  Of course the above would have to be researchable, but it would be a nice fun feature to have.

Do doctors currently have any function?


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