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Author Topic: How to deal with UFOs  (Read 7082 times)


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How to deal with UFOs
« on: January 20, 2008, 10:43:39 pm »
Well, do you have any tips considering air combat with UFOs? I started the game recently and my stilettos are going down one after another :( The only effective weapon to date was sparrow missile - my airships never made it to the range of unguided rockets or AA guns. Maybe I should load up interceptors with sparrows only? Or buy a Saracen?


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Re: How to deal with UFOs
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2008, 10:54:14 pm »
Engage initially with an armoured aircraft laden in Raven EMP units to tank fire, then follow up with heavily armed assault craft with maximized computer aiming supplimentation. Works just about every time.


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Re: How to deal with UFOs
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2008, 10:17:08 am »
Well, do you have any tips considering air combat with UFOs? I started the game recently and my stilettos are going down one after another :( The only effective weapon to date was sparrow missile - my airships never made it to the range of unguided rockets or AA guns. Maybe I should load up interceptors with sparrows only? Or buy a Saracen?

I found that I needed multiple aircraft to take UFO's down early in the game.  If I sent two Saracens and a Stilletto, I might get back the stilleto and one saracen.  I outfit the Saracens with 1 sparrow, 1 cannon, armor, guidance computer, and long range tank.

Still, I lose a lot of Saracens.  I don't think it's supposed to be easy or cheap early on.  It's supposed to be hard and costly until you develop better tech.

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Re: How to deal with UFOs
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2008, 04:13:23 am »
I... ummm... cheat using save and load :D


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Re: How to deal with UFOs
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2008, 06:53:03 pm »
I remember this game back when it was on the PC.  I am glad to see it now on mac.  As for the interceptors, It is not working correctly.  in the start of the game the interceptor should be able to bring down the ships, and I do mean just one.  Especially when it is the one that collects people from the planet(harvester).  Another thing that I noticed is that the ships are not loading the ammo, the weapon is there but when you get a notice that a spaceship is out there, and you go to send it, there is no ammo on it.  I agree that you should have to wait for the guns/rockets.  by bringing down the ship it creats new encounters and you get bodys and stuff.  Very important in the game.