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Intel mac crash

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Ok, I got it to crash in windowed mode (initially I thought this may be fullscreen problem) and when using up arrow to scroll screen forward (I remapped up arrow to scroll screen forward instead of increase level). Could this possibly be tied be to using UP_KEY?

BTW tchristney, thanks for you efforts on mac version of this excellent game

I can paste the error report but it's the same uncaught exception again:
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSLayoutManager glyphRangeForTextContainer:]: given container does not appear in the list of containers for this NSLayoutManager.'


--- Quote from: goldenmonkey on January 21, 2008, 11:02:37 pm ---For what it's worth, I can confirm that the bug occurs even when it's not your first mission, and when you are switching to legal levels. I've never tripped it when I switch levels by clicking, but of course I don't know that it's impossible.

--- End quote ---

Sorry, what I meant was that it never happens on the first tactical mission after restarting - only the second or later missions. I'm wondering if there is a zombie object getting used inappropriately. I wish I had more time to debug this - I'll have to make sure to run the game in gdb the next few times!

Hi guys, would you try this:

I remmaped the keyboard bindings so I don't use keypad (arrows) anymore, and I didn't get a crash so far through 4 missions (before that, only 1 out 3 missions wouldn't crash). I might be just lucky, but I did notice that crash always occured when using arrow keys...

This has been reported as a bug at One developer replied that it was a bug in SDL and recommended an upgrade. I don't know how to upgrade SDL in the UFOAI bundle (since SDL is provided as Mac frameworks inside the bundle) I am now looking at installing the latest version of SDL and building a new UFOAI bundle with that.

Though this will probably take a while, since I have a job and a family too...

You should be able to just overwrite the frameworks in the app bundle with the new versions, i.e. you shouldn't have to rebuild everything. It's worth a shot anyway.


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