Technical support > Mac

2.2 Mac dmg install

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Ok try and put the SDL.framework folder in the <REPLACE WITH YOUR INSTALL PATH TO GAME>/ and rerun the game.

Just that folder.  It's what I did to get it working.  It's odd you don't get a crashlog file.  I can only suggest that you repair permissions via the DiskUtility tool.
nothing!  >:(
I open the game and I see a window for a split second and it disappears. I just don't think this is going to work, this shouldn't be so damn difficult. tchristney said he's going to put up a new DMG for download, whats the ETA on that? I will give that a chance and if not, I will have to stop trying, this is really making my weekend a sour one.

I really am thankful for all your help gentlemen!  ;)

OK, the modified dmg has been uploaded to but we have to wait for one of the project developers to get it onto the main download site.
cool, so we should be able to download it later today?
wish me luck guys!   :-\

It should be up now. Good Luck!


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