Technical support > Mac
2.2 Mac dmg install
OK, I've been working on making the package "just work" but I'm actually very new to this project. The previous Mac developer (who did some great work, bless him/her) did some strange things when installing the frameworks into the app bundle that were totally unnecessary and were sort of broken. Some of you are obviously a step ahead of my by having a second Mac to test on ;) That's one of the problems with being a developer - you get your environment set up in ways that users shouldn't have to and it can be tricky to get things to work the way they should on vanilla installs of Mac OS X.
About Console - it is a totally separate program installed in /Applications/Utilities/Console. It logs output from programs that write to the "standard" output and error "streams". It can be instructive and is worthwhile to take a peek even if you aren't having problems with an application. If you are having problems it is critical for developers because that is where Mac OS X logs things like missing library messages.
I'm currently uploading a new dmg that I believe has the frameworks and other libraries in the right place and everything is pointing to the right place. It should be up later today.
Hmm, PPC. I have a friend who was working off one of my previous builds so hopefully that isn't a problem.
thanks for the info tchristney, I guess i'll just sit here and wait for the new dmg to go up. is it a dmg that we have to add to what we already have or is it a complete game download?
can't wait!
Sorry look under ~/Library/Logs/Crashreporter, ufo should be there.
Also can you run the terminal commands I asked for above? This will help us understand what you have installed.
Wow. OK, that crash log has nothing to do with ufo:ai, but thanks anyway!
The uploaded version is the full game, not a patch. Sorry, but the tools just aren't set up to split the programs and data into separate packages.
BTW, thanks for the help stormcrow, and thanks for everyone's patience.
NO! thank you guys for your hard work! ;) :D :) 8)
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