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SVN 13899 on intel MacOS X

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Just tried compiling and running ufoai from svn (version 13899) on an intel based Mac, running OSX 10.5.

Initially had problems compiling src/common/md4.h and src/common/md4.c - I think this is a conflict with
the system defined uint32...  changing every "uint32" to "myuint32" in the two md4 files got passed this, but I don't know if it's a valid fix.  (Grepping the whole source found no other instances of uint32 in any other file (but plenty of uint32_t)

After making lang and maps as per the directions on the wiki, was not able to make a bundle...  Tried to just run it instead and found out the app would not take the keyboard focus - mouse seemed to work though.  This meant I couldn't get past the "intial setting" panel, since I could not enter a name.  Last bit of terminal output:

====== UFO Initialized ======

execing autoexec.cfg
"version" is "UFO: Alien Invasion 2.3-dev i386 Jan 14 2008 MacOSX DEBUG"
Switch grab input off
S_Music_Start: Could not load music: 'music/PsymongN3' ()
Save user settings to /Users/dave/.ufoai/2.3-dev/base/config.cfg
^CSave user settings to /Users/dave/.ufoai/2.3-dev/base/config.cfg
recursive shutdown

Any ideas?  (full log appended)



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maybe try to run in fullscreen mode - start ufo with parameter +set vid_fullscreen 1 or set this value in the config.cfg file in your userdata dir (named .ufoai/2.2/base/config.cfg)

i've tried to fix the uint32 stuff, feedback would be nice

The uint32 change compiles without problem on my intel OS X 10.5 mac.


what is the problem when you try to build the bundle? any output?

The bundle problem may be related to an issue I noticed that the make command creates some files in the directory that should be directories, so the "cp" command fails. Simply delete those files and manually create them using "mkdir" and it should be fine after that. You should only have to do this once.


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