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Author Topic: The "Equip an alien with armor" bug  (Read 2291 times)


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The "Equip an alien with armor" bug
« on: December 19, 2007, 02:56:40 am »
When playing the alien side, and you equip one of the yellowish/brown aliens with an "alien armor" in the equip screen, he disappears, as if turning invisible.

Neat, right?

Not quite...

When you try to run the next mission the game crashes if you have that guy on board your avenger. The error message "Can't find alien armor" flashes infinitely before the screen freezes.

Any solutions in sight?

- - -

(Thanks for a great game, BTW. My old X-Com addiction is kicking in all over again. Can't wait to see the finished project/product. I can see how it can be developed in perpetuity, though - which is a good thing, as long as we can download the new versions as they come out. I do like the "new" option to play as the alien side. Is this a feature that will be more heavily developed to offer a more solid different gaming experience in a future version? Right now it just plays like the humans, but with alien bodies. An alternative research tree and an opposing agenda would be great!)

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Re: The "Equip an alien with armor" bug
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2007, 11:12:24 am »
The armored shevaar model does not exist. The only real solution is to produce one (volunteers?). Until then, I expect this issue will persist.