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Author Topic: Some points  (Read 2287 times)

Offline JGCR

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Some points
« on: December 26, 2007, 10:22:08 pm »
Just tried 2.2, after the 3d models were back again.
First of all, UFO:AI definitely is the most complete freeware game I've seen sofar, even in its current state.
I like it not because it is a repetition of the old UFO, but rather because of the added detail.
I can enjoy the old UFO, even with its dated graphics, but UFO:AI is a step further.
The story sounds quite good and regarding the design, I'm glad you chose not to jump on the "alien biotechnology" bandwagon like everybody else and instead gave the aliens solid metal hardware.
I just love the detailed Ufopedia, with all those weapons briefs, research proposals and whatnot. Almost like a novel.

Some points:
What kind of system is going to be implemented for interceptor pilots?
Will they have scores (UFO aces?;)? Can you rescue them?
Can you plan escort missions for the dropship, as sometimes UFOs tend to bounce it and shoot it down?
Also, in old UFO I always thought it would be nice to have on-call CAS (close air support) from interceptors. If your're stuck, a salvo of TR-20 rockets could either work miracles or blow up your squad :D
Is it really necessary to have names for workers, medics and scientists?
Is the bolter rifle undermodelled or just a technological dead end?
It seems to me that assault rifles do only fire single shot reaction fire. Never full auto, but sometimes 3 round burst works.
Also, I think SMGs are overpowered, but that is maybe discussed to death allready.
What I definitely didn't like were the soldier names. Older versions seem to have a more realistic, balanced naming system (as the medics, workers and scientists still have) but in 2.2 beta I am forced to go to war with the illegitimate offspring of Bill Clinton and Britney Spears (why no Paris Hilton??), at least by their names.
Only americans in a future where the US has lost its global dominance (and even does not exist anymore as a nation?)? But maybe that is provisional or a glitch.
At the risk of sounding overly PC, in the 2084 of UFO:AI there should be more non caucasian soldier models, as even Africa and the Muslim world seem to have turned into world powers and Phalanx should be quite an international force.

That's all I can think of right now.
I will now check the usual threads if I can be of some use.
German translations seems to be covered quite well, but that and ideas are pretty much all I can do.


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Re: Some points
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2007, 06:05:01 am »
The SMG problem has been noted, and many of the weapons, especially the human ones, are to be rebalanced very soon.

As for reaction fire, any mode you can select should work. Keep in mind that RF is not foolproof. Sometimes it will fail to trigger entirely (this is by design. It is possible to get unlucky and fail many consecutive RF checks).

The bolter rifle remains useful in that it is a highly versatile weapon with readily accessible ammunition that can be employed for a wide variety of purposes (assault/sniping/suppression). Furthermore, its high per round damage makes it excel at armor penetration. It will also ultimately come to feature new ammunition types in later versions that will preserve its utility as more advanced weapons become availible.


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Re: Some points
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2007, 12:03:15 am »
I also thought individual workers or scientists are needless.

As of Clintons, roughly half of my squad actually looked like Hillary.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2007, 12:09:21 am by Takai »