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2.2 Release: Dead Civilians count?

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I'm basically undecided on the issue of the civilian death count, but it's important to note that you can win a mission with all civilians dead.  Plus, considering civilian movements, civilian initial positioning, and the alien start positions, some missions start out with civilians dying on turns two and three, with little to nothing that the player can do.  Right now, I'm trying to use my soldiers as bodyguards for the civilians, trapping them into places where my soldiers can at least get reaction fire on the aliens.  Even thought soldiers are hard to come by, their losses don't automatically lead to game over.  Still, I'll have to see how this affects my game experience before I decided where I fall on this issue.

Also, I've always took it in this game and all the X-Com games that game over generally means the government abandoned the project, which eventually leads to alien victory.  Of course, I may not have enough experience with the game over screen.   ;D

I have no clue how the random(?) civilian placement on the maps work but a smarter/more complex algorhythm on that would probably solve more problems more quickly than a smarter civi AI.
Since some civis are just running into alien fire I still believe the AI issue is critical if gaining money depends on it.

--- Quote from: tobbe on January 23, 2008, 12:39:14 am ---I am not quite sure if i ran into a bug... I just finished a mission, capturing my first alien and i got 2 todo messages and the game was over...

--- End quote ---

The game is not over it just kicks you to the main menu. Pressing continue lets you proceed. Just in case anyone new reads this and disappointedly leaves the game without saving.

Hi. My first post here. I've been a huge fan of all X-Com series and played aftermath and aftershock out of lack of alternative. Spotted UFO: AI a few years ago, didn't expect you guys to get where you are now. Since the main objective of this project is to do the remake of X-Com and stick close to its spirit, developer community has to implement the original score system (well maybe slightly modified) so that you'll get scores after every mission + negative impact of skipping or delaying missions. I was always wondering what did those terror missions represent: a small hostage crisis (area is being quarantined by local security services who are waiting on your organisation to show up as it's in your jurisdiction) or a full blown terrorist attack (aliens get out there and shoot everything in which case i doubt the local security forces would wait on you to show up in a day or so). At the moment it's a little unclear since you come to a mission area (a day late :) ) and see civs running around the area (obviously not kept as hostages) aliens shooting them as if they just landed (reminds me the intro movie from the first x-com) for a quick raid. So basically what I suggest here is to make missions a little more clear and make objectives and time deadlines more specific ( like aliens are raiding a city after 2 hours of battling local security forces they retreated to some area), army/police gives us 6 hrs to respond if we dont mission failed but we dont lose too many points since our base was quite far away and it wasnt possible to respond in time. Alternatevely aliens take VIP hostages at some conference we have a day to respond but lose a lot of points for every VIP hostage killed.
As for the loosing conditions we could be more dependant on financing so that if loose to much support we just wont be able to sustain + countries breaking off the contract with our organisation and demand that our bases are removed from their territory. 


--- Quote from: Styxarius on February 05, 2008, 04:51:10 am ---Since the main objective of this project is to do the remake of X-Com and stick close to its spirit
--- End quote ---

Okay, once more. UFO:AI is not a remake of X-COM. Inspired, yes, but we do not necessarily try to stick as close to X-COM as we can.


--- Quote ---but we dont lose too many points since our base was quite far away and it wasnt possible to respond in time.
--- End quote ---
Sorry, but in all versions of X-Com, and in this game, nobody cares where the base is located.  If you don't respond to a mission, your supporters will be ticked.  As far as responding to terror missions is concerned, this game is quite similar to the original X-Com, except we have civilian death count instead of a score system.  Personally, I kind of prefer the score system, but I'm glad for the opportunity to try something new.  To be honest, all I ask of freeware is that it doesn't hurt my computer.   ;D


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