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2.2 Release: Dead Civilians count?

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Hello Forum,

what doese this dead civilians count mean? On normal compaign there are only 40 dead civ allowed. Are they sumed overall missions? Or are the dead civs meant if you miss a mission? (This 6 dead civs every 1 or 2 days, if you dont play a mission)

Where can I change this settings?
I found this compaing.ufo in one of the pk3 files, is this the only place where the data is stored?


EDIT: Where can I see the current DeadCivCount?

yes, there is a max number of allowed dead civilians, if you reached them, you've lost the game - remember, phalanx is there to rescue the humans

this number is not really shown - it was shown in the stats, but our storywriters told me to remove this count. the count varies with difficulty settings.

Where can I change this number? At home I have no internet, so I must ask without knowing what I have done at home. Is the compaing.ufo file in one of the pk3 the only location of this count? I tried it, but in the compaign description on the main screen was 40 written.

yes, the campaign.ufo is the only file - but keep in mind, that there are definitions for every difficulty settings

Is this number fixed or dynamic?  Is it ever reset?

It might be an interesting feature if it could change up or down during the course of the game depending on the player's performance - I remember the original X-COM/UFO had periodic feedback reports from the committee that funded the project on how happy they were with the player, using paragraphs to warn if the player was on thin ice or not.


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