Oh, Winter, how partial are you to a sequence that looks more documentary-ish, from a space satellite picking up a flight of carriers jumping into LEO? I was also thinking more along the lines of a BSG-like flash (but different and brighter!) representing a volumetric/spherical wormhole needed to transport larger ships. (I was thinking a capacitor-like buildup would allow the energies needed to open a rift large enough to send the massive carriers through, without needing the immense power requirements that could only be satisfied by the mothership.)
Have a look on the wiki at the research article 'Alien Origins'. If we get to be able to play videos in the UFOpaedia, it would fit
We may have to adjust the distances cited in the article to fit, but that's no problem at all.
And having such a video would, I'm sure, convince our coders to implement it . . .
Okay, reset my scene to proper scale and distance. Here are two of the better renders:
Critiques are welcome.
Sean E
I think #1 looks far more dramatic than #2, with Earth hovering unsuspecting in the background. Very very nice indeed. I think their position relative to the camera is actually forgiveable in this instance, it probably looks better than simply looking at the engines (although that would be pretty dramatic in its own right . . .). I'm just thinking that we'll be looking mostly at the engines anyway.
Here's an idea that might make a nice render: Camera set close between a pair of Fighters, just behind the engines. The fuselages take up most of the right and left halves of the screen, but in the centre we see a big view of Earth, close by and getting closer . . .