Technical support > Feature Requests
Turning around without moving. (Or did I just not noticed this function)
Use Case:
You are stnding at a place and just want to turn around without moving a step. (Which will cost less timepoints and do not change the position).
This can be realized by using the oposite mouse button of moving in the movemnet modus [as well as in the fire modus]. (At the moment both mouse buttons are assigned to moving)
So at the end of a movement (e.g placing the figure in a covering) you can turn it around to look in the correct direction for auto shoot.
already implemented - use middle mouse button
Or control.
This is the third time someone asked about this, I think. Maybe it's time for a manual or tutorial that explains the basic controls?
that had me stummped to..... (most people will probably try using the right mouse button for turn.... I know I did.)
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