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Author Topic: Winning Tactics in the Very Hard setting  (Read 6425 times)

Offline shaft350x

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Winning Tactics in the Very Hard setting
« on: October 17, 2007, 09:41:28 pm »
I haven't played much even on standard setting yet, but I just wanted to know how your tactics differ on the hardest setting.

This is kind of inspired by the "door covering" thread since it was mentioned that the reactionary fire tactic might work all right there, but would get a team slaughtered on higher settings.

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Re: Winning Tactics in the Very Hard setting
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2007, 10:28:03 pm »
Higher difficulties affect damage. You do less, the aliens do more. On higher difficulties, that means reaction fire won't kill an alien stepping through the door, while the alien will most probably fry you in one attack.


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Re: Winning Tactics in the Very Hard setting
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2007, 03:18:19 am »
Door covering can work, but only if you've got a signifigant portion of your squad availible to do so. Even then it's still a gamble.

Basically when it comes to the hardest difficulty level, you want to use only the most powerful weaponry availible. Anything less just won't cut it due to the signifigant damage reductions your equipment suffers at this setting. That said, the rocket launcher, plasma/frag grenades, particle beam weaponry, and full auto/spray modes are easily the most useful weapons and weapon settings. Everything else is largely ineffective. Kill the aliens before they kill you, and always be mindful of the fact that the aliens 'cheat'. They always know where you are. If they have enough actions to move and take a shot at your soldier, they probably will. Do not depend on the aliens inaccuracy to save you, especially when they get particle beam weaponry, because such inaccuracy simply does not exist at this difficulty level. You must rely on cover.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 03:21:57 am by Surrealistik »