Development > Artwork
Armour types and their models - PHALANX
I was thinking of how to make a jump armor, and the basic idea is this:
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I approached it from the angle of flight stability and safety. So the jump suit should have the man jump yets on the back, angled not fully down, but tilted a bit towards the back.
The tip of "wings" hold thursters who's main purpose is strafing and providing a coutner-force so the suit doesn't tip fully forward in flight. The intakes are above the shoulders, angled so they could take in air even if jumping. superman-style
Aditional thrusters on the legs are questionable.
Well I don't know what the science mavens will say, but it looks good to me. The polys around the inside of the knees might need a touch-up, or maybe it's just the angle we're looking at it from.
Would be nice to see this skinned.
To make sure nothing goes to waste, I uploaded a few meshes in 3ds format. 3 soldier armor meshes, helmet, jetpack.
They can be used as base or modified...regardless if I finish them or not.
added to data_source into your model folder at
For me, Power Armour looks like one of those childish armors from World of Warcraft. And soldiers look too fat in it (like wearing a space suit in a vacuum). It just doesn't look serious. I think it would be great if it looked like something between this and nanosuit from Crysis.
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