Development > Artwork
Can you guys use this? (MPEG Titile Animation Clip)
we have animation support in form of roq format - e.g. the ffmpeg lib support it and you can encode it. also see the wiki about more roq infos and some links
I'd imagine it wouldn't be too hard to program this clip to play immediately after a scripted intro animation as an ending (after I convert the file to an roq video file). The only problem I see is that if there is a soundtrack playing, it might not sync the same on all machines.
The alternative would be to render and record a video file of the (hopefully) soon-to-be-created intro animation, add this title clip I made to the end of it to make one single video file, then transcode the whole video file into roq format and have the whole thing play as an introduction. This option might actually come out with better results IMO.
If someone can put together a simple binary that just animates the models already created from the game and send it to me or post it somewhere, I have plenty of screen video capture/recording utils that can record it into a video file, and then I can add this to the end and include a soundtrack for the whole thing, and convert the end result into an roq file, which could be the introduction.
I actually attempted to try this myself by using the render function in blender, but because I'm not experienced with blender or animating models I couldn't figure out how to make it work right to create an AVI or MPEG. Digital video and editing I know, but models and animation based on scripts I really don't. As far as programming, most of what I know is limited to JAVA and HTML/CSS.
If any of this doesn't make too much sense, let me know and I'll try to rephrase what I'm proposing.
BTW, the same method could be used to easily create end-of-mission or end-of-game movie clips that would play in the game, as well as clips for when certain special milestones are reached in the progression of the plot.
the blender source files are not yet animated (except the powerarmour model) - you can try to import the md2 files of the character models, then you have all that you need. the animations are stored in it. It doesn't make much sense when someone put up some video files with all the animations of a character - because the uploader can't know the angles you need and so on. it's better to create a hole sequence with all the models included and render this to avi or roq
That's my idea exactly, I apologize if I explained it a little unclearly - I did figure out how to get blender to import some md2 files and attempted to put together an intro animation per the storyboard and script in the into animation topic, but I found that I don't have the expertise to make blender render the whole thing into a video AVI or ROQ.
My point was that if someone who has more knowledge and experience with blender could create the animation and render it, I could take the resulting AVI file and add the MPEG I created to the end of it, (joining two video files together) and also add a soundtrack to the video file, giving an end result of an ROQ that would be the intro animation.
Again, sorry if I didn't explain that too well - does this make sense?
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