Heh heh, thanks. I probably should create a hangar for these kinds of shots - but maybe I could just import the map file, I wonder...
I think you can, but you'd have to ask someone else about that.
I was thinking about working on the alien wormhole device, but I'd like to know a couple things about it.
What shape is the wormhole?
Round. Disc-shaped. Just your standard kind of sci-fi wormhole.

How large is it and the wormholes it creates? What is the bulk, or device-to-wormhole size ratio?
The wormhole is tiny -- certainly no larger than a few centimetres in diameter. It's not intended for transport, you see.
The device, on the other hand, should be huge and extremely complex-looking. Massive power feeds going into the floor, etc. etc. Not so giant that it wouldn't realistically fit on a Carrier, however.
Is the wormhole free-floating or connected to parts of the device?
Can be either way. Remember, though, that UFOs generate similar wormholes to travel through (although those last only for a split second) and
they don't need any machinery around the rim of the wormhole.
Are there any specific kinds of glowy bits and colours in mind?
The colour of the wormhole would be preferably blue. Apart from that, knock yourself out.