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Author Topic: Feedback (2.2 trunk - rev 12177 - 2007-10-03) Interceptor unable to fight UFOs  (Read 2877 times)

Offline HitMan

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I have problems to fight against UFO aircrafts. When radars detect UFO aircraft I try to send interceptor to fight with UFO but interceptor flies immediately back to base.

I can send interceptor to flight and follow UFO aircraft manually but if I set interceptor to fight with UFO aircraft interceptor flies directly back to base.

This happens now every time when UFO aircraft is detected in 2.2 trunk - rev 12177 - 2007-10-03. I had the same problem in previous version 2.2 trunk - rev 11999 - 2007-09-26 but not that often.

I think this is related to interceptor equipment. I have a feeling if you don't modify interceptor equipment you can fight with UFO aircraft but after modification interceptor flies back to base.

I will debug this more and I will try to find out what initiates this bug if it is some specific equipment or equipment combination for example.

- HitMan

ps. I run ufoai in my Fedora7 linux computer but I don't think this is an OS dependent problem.

Offline Kaerius

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I never had any such problems in 2.2 trunk - rev 11999 - 2007-09-26, and I always modified my interceptors(2-3 missile racks, polymer armour, fuel pod, targeting computer).

I haven't gotten that far in 2.2 trunk - rev 12177 - 2007-10-03 due to crash bugs.

Offline HitMan

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In 2.2 trunk - rev 11999 - 2007-09-26 this problem was at least with the new fighter aircraft types I was able to buy. I don't remember names but both new aircraft had this problem when fully equiped.

With 2.2 trunk - rev 12177 - 2007-10-03 I have only tried basic/default interceptor in base and I'm unable to fight UFOs. I did fully equip interceptor at the beginig (shiva gun, two different types of missiles, armor, EMC equipment and targetting computer)

I have not yet tried what happens if I keep default equipment. I will test this later today.

- HitMan

Offline XaverXN

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Can confirm that for 2.2 Beta installer, stiletto intercepter, self equipped.