Nice job on many of the new features. Some problems however:
Night missions: Simply too dark, unplayable unless you raise gamma to about 75%, I thought it was the old black-texture bug again at first. At about 75% gamma, it's about as dark as it should be imho. Also there are no flares, and your troops do not have the circle of light(tm) that they had in xcom. It's just pitch black at standard gamma. Oh and the game messed up my gamma/brightness windows settings too, argh, possibly while crashing.
Base attack mission: Had one of these, sent a team over there... hey no crash right away, making progress! However there weren't any actual aliens in the mission, so I was unable to complete it. Aborting makes the game crash. It still has the garbled filepath spam filling most of the loading screen.
I've also had some more or less random crashes at end of missions, some I think are caused by me giving orders in the small window between killing the last alien, and the mission ending. I've also crashed at the "The aliens start their invasion" screen(and why does clicking past those always bring me to the menu, so I have to press continue to keep playing?)
I have been unable to research any UFO(have gotten scout, fighter and harvester), alien propulsion, and "particle beam weapon"(though up to man-portable particle beams works). They all show up in research window but greyed out, and the text informing me why scrolls off-screen... The only UFO part I can research is alien astrogation.
I have researched everything else I believe, I made it to the next year and the UFOs and missions stoped coming completely, fast-forwarded to july without any of either showing up. The only new things from 2.1.1 I've seen here are alien astrogation, bloodspider autopsy and monomolecular knife.
Plasma weapon rebalance has made the game a little easier, they don't spray me down like crazy with anything except the plasma blaster now, and it hurts less. However the only alien weapons worth using is still particle weapons, that you can't manufacture ammo for... Lasers are also quite useless. If the laser pistol had the stats of the heavy laser, it would be useful, that's about it. I find myself using only sniper rifle, riot shotgun, and bolt rifle(replaces riot shotgun).
Oh and another thing: I have a swedish OS but prefer playing in english, so I pick english language when given the choice... but several texts are still in swedish, for example flashbangs are "lysgranat" in the equip soldiers screen, though they're correctly called flashbangs in buy/sell and produce menus. Lysgranat btw is REALLY badly translated, I actually thought these were supposed to be flares until now, the real word for it is Distraktionsgranat. Lysgranat is litterally "lightgrenade", and with no double meanings on light, nothing to do with weight, we have a separate word for that.