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Author Topic: Skills and accuracy  (Read 2020 times)

Offline Popi

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Skills and accuracy
« on: September 24, 2007, 10:35:02 am »
I've been testing skill levels impact on accuracy... and i think some results are quite odd
Pistol accuracy is maybe too big:
Scenario: Target at 17 squares away (that should be a medium/long range shot), shooters crouching for taking the shot
   Laser Pistol
      Guy 1 (Accuracy   4, Close   6): 79% to hit
      Guy 2 (Accuracy 79, Close 75): 96% to hit
   Particle Pistol
      Guy 1 ( Acc   4, Close   6): 74% single shot - 53% rapid shot
      Guy 2 ( Acc 79, Close 75): 91% single shot - 66% rapid shot
   Micro Shotgun
      Guy 1 ( Acc   4, Close   6): 68% single shot - 14% 3-round burst
      Guy 2 ( Acc 79, Close 75): 77% single shot - 18% 3-round burst

That seems quite high for pistols, and maybe a little high for the single shot microshotgun...
And now compare with...

   Sniper Rifle
      Guy 1 ( Acc   7, Sniping 10): 72% snap shot and head shot, 76% Aimed shot
      Guy 2 ( Acc 94, Sniping 71): 100% snap shot and head shot, 100% Aimed shot

   Particle Rifle (no accuracy bonus for crouching!)
      Guy 1 ( Acc   7, Sniping 10): 85% snap shot, 85 % aimed shot, 53% rapid shot
      Guy 2 ( Acc 94, Sniping 71): 86% snap shot, 87 % aimed shot, 65% rapid shot

So its easier to hit at medium/long ranges with pistols than with a sniper rifle.
And the ratio TU / Damage its much better for the pistols