I start from few small bugs:
1. Shifting between languages does not work entire correctly.
- After I change to english and run game again messages at geoscape screen are still in Polish
http://www.mytempdir.com/2025382 new messages are in english but old are in polish. Should are they in english too?
- After shift to english but without restart game, weapons descriptions at equip team screen are still in polish -
http://www.mytempdir.com/2025378 item's name, type of ammo, fire mode, hints (below cursor) are still in previous language.
2. Weapon description does not fit correctly into window at equip team screen - before_run_again.jpg
- description about ammo overleap with something else.
Request at equip team screen
sometimes there is too much items. Could you add little (in size) number at right bottom corner of item? This number will represent quantity of item if quantity is bigger than 5. If quantity is less than 5 there will be 5 items at screen. If quantity is bigger than 5 it will be one item with number at corner. Instead of 5 could be 8 or 10.