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Windows 2K testers needed
I've recently implemented a fallback for the network function freeaddrinfo - there were reports about unresolved symbols about this on win2k. If some of our brave gamers here still has a 2k box somewhere around, please try to compile the latest revision in trunk on this win2k box and run it please. Let me know whether there are any other unresolved network function symbols, please
the latest beta installer on now also includes the fix for freeaddrinfo - now need to compile the game yourself - just download the installer and let me know whether the game starts on your win2k box please.
Ok well, first of all when I try loading the game without adding anything... I get "The procedure entry point getaddrinfo could not be located in the dynamic link library WS2_32.dll"
If I add the WinXP version of WS2_32.dll and WS2help.dll I get "The procedure entry point SetHandleContext could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll"
My Win2k hasnt bee updated in a fair while I will try updating it later see if it will make a diffrence although I wouldn't imagine so.
Will also try on another machine in my house later a little busy to test right now though :)
thank you very much - i will try to solve the getaddrinfo issue, too
I just tested with my windows fully upto date - Got same error, didn't think it would make a diffrence anyway.
If it makes any diffrence i'm using Win2k Server SP4, I also tested on Win2k Professional SP4.
Got same errors both times round. Also if possible could you upload the new exe somewhere when you have a fix ready (I imagine that it would only effect the main executables) as I have no idea how to use SVN let alone how to compile. :)
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