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Author Topic: UFO:AI Publicity  (Read 2545 times)


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UFO:AI Publicity
« on: July 31, 2007, 06:55:42 pm »
Hey. Just started playing this game last week on the advice of a friend and as a fan of the X-Com series, I'm definitely hooked. I always felt that X-Com was very buggy and unfinished way back when. I also really like the idea of open source gaming. Sure, you don't have some rich publisher spoon feeding you cash to create their perfect game, but a really rich and user-friendly game is going to be the outcome here, I'm sure.

I was just wondering if you have anyone working publicity on this title and your design team. I'm primarily a music publicist, but I've been wanting to get involved in the gaming industry a little bit and this would be a good opportunity for me to get experience and for you to get some more recognition/awareness. I'm happy to do it for free if you're willing to work with me. Please visit my website at or and send me an email if you're interested.
