I see that most of the debated game aspects are already nailed shut. I agree with Kaeau on the knives/pistols issue.
Using a knife implies knowledge of martial arts and maybe throwing, which is also linked to accuracy. But using a gun, any kind of gun, implies different skills, which is obvious.
From what I have played, and I enjoyed the last releases
, knives are a great addition to the gameplay, making things much more interesting. Besides, there are already 3 mlee weapons that I have seen, kerrblade, combat knife and plasma knife, and it makes sense to have a skill for using them efficiently. But the pistols in the game are crap, the pistol is useless, and the shotgun has way to less power. The tachyon pistol is better, but I prefer throwing a plasma knife instead (it does more damage and doesn't use ammo). So the current ingame small guns are poor. Anyway, you can implement others or make them more powerfull.
I think it's odd to have a skill for just one or two weapons - the sniper rifle and the tachyon sniper rifle. As a sidenote, a good marksman can snipe with any rifle, even a Kalashnikov, if the weapon is accurate. It's all about accuracy and handling. So, if you forget about the sniper skill, and replace it with the "martial arts" skill :wink: it would make much more sense.
Regarding my references to Fallout (Tactics), I wanted to point out that while it was fun, it wasn't very complicated - of course, wasn't proposing to have so many skills, but to use some ideas from that skill system. IMHO, the S.I.M.P.L.E. skill system used by Black Isle was one of the best I have seen, but again, they were more RPG oriented.
I disagree that Fallout wasn't realistic - usually commando squads are highly trained in several fields, maybe except high particle physics, as Winter says, :wink: but there are elites trained for using computers, electronics, hacking, using chemicals, whatever. And some are highly trained in more than one field, besides combat.
I thought the game combat system and skill system is under construction. The way I see it, there is still much to be done and to be modified, so changing the interface a bit to fit a new skill or two would be the lesser task. My opinion is that what most gamers like in such a game is lots of weapons. Yeah! :twisted: So, more skills make up for having more weapons, machine guns, chainguns, launchers, automatic shotguns, explosives, weapon mods, new kinds of ammo, etc. Any skill is useless if the player doesn't have something to relate it with. But if you put more weapons (or items) and say, hey if you like chainguns, look for the heavy weapons skill, or if you like having an agile character that runs and cuts through enemies, look for the martial arts skill,... etc... none will find it complicated.
Good luck with your work, until now it's great.