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UFO:AI on Ebay??
On another thought, one that wouldn't cost anything, perhaps a little note could be added to the game's installer/setup screen? Something that explains before the license that the game is free and any sale is unauthorized and illegal (or something similar)?
Nobody ever reads what is written on the initial screens of an installer. We've got a notice on the game's loading screen, which is a lot more effective.
Yeah, I guess you're right, now that I think about it.
This looks like one of those things in life where someone does something bad and not too much can be done about it. :(
Unless anyone has any great new ideas about what can be done about it (that would actually work), I don't see much point in going on and on any more on this topic, IMO. I admit I'm still a little mad about it, but other than the already-implemented loading screen message in the game I don't think much more can realistically be done.
Well, what you COULD do is remove the SF download altogether and make a download page of your own. You could then put a captcha system in place or something to prevent people downloading it from elsewhere, and stick a big sign saying "if you paid for this download you were ripped off" on that page.
But I suspect it's more trouble than it's worth.
--- Quote from: BTAxis on November 08, 2007, 03:04:07 pm ---Well, what you COULD do is remove the SF download altogether and make a download page of your own. You could then put a captcha system in place or something to prevent people downloading it from elsewhere, and stick a big sign saying "if you paid for this download you were ripped off" on that page.
But I suspect it's more trouble than it's worth.
--- End quote ---
The bandwidth costs would be enormous. I could provide a mirror for a terabyte or two, but for a new release of a popular 300+meg file, that's nothing.
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