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Author Topic: Awesome game  (Read 2112 times)


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Awesome game
« on: July 13, 2007, 03:48:28 pm »
First of all, I want to give you guys a big praise for that game. As a hardcore X-Com player, I really enjoyed playing a few hours with your game around. Of course it is not ready and not polished yet, but I see a lot of potential in this game. Actually all I want is a X-Com Apocalypse with newer graphics and maybe a globe instead of the city map and you are doing a great job so far providing me that xcom feeling I used to have.

Keep the good work guys!

Offline BTAxis

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Awesome game
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2007, 07:20:21 pm »
Thanks for that, it's always nice to know people like what we're doing. Feel free to help if you can, in any way at all.

UFO:AI is different from Apocalypse in a couple of important areas though - most notably the lack of a fully destructable environment and the lack of a real-time game mode. These will most likely never be included.