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UFO:AI, my comments and criticisms

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Problem is that plasma is hot. By definition it is so hot that the electrons have been totally stripped off the nucleii.

Any material that tried to contain plasma is still limited by the bond strengths of its molecules. if the sci-fi material is made of electrons, neutrons and electrons it will break up when it touches anything as hot as plasma.

I suggest that having the plasma projectiles with a small magnetic field generator in is more plausible.

The projectile would still need a container outside the containing field to stop air scattering the plasma. The particles in the plasma are charged, and so can be contained with fields, but air molecules are uncharged and would be able to enter the fields.

perhaps i should do a sketch. (no time now)

Perhaps the plastic shell has an extremely complex system of minaturized electromagnets that keeps the plasma together for a fraction of a second.

Alternatively, compress the plasma to a high density in the gun and shoot it out at such an insane speed that the stuff stays together just longn enough to reach the target. Of course I know this is completely impractical in the real world as has been pointed out, but then so are laser pistols and most other sci-fi weapons.

As an aside, a portable ICP torch would be a sweet melee weapon for heavily-armored opponents.   :twisted:

Now that I think about it, if you could line your armor with some kind of electric field generator, it might deflect or slow down plasma rounds. Maybe this armor might be extra vulnerable to EMP-based weapons...

Adrian Magnus:

--- Quote from: "Sectoid" ---Perhaps the plastic shell has an extremely complex system of minaturized electromagnets that keeps the plasma together for a fraction of a second.
--- End quote ---

I like you idea but not its hilarious complexity. Just have the material have an inherent charge. You know, like a fridge magnet, but orders of magnitude stronger.

--- Quote ---Alternatively, compress the plasma to a high density in the gun and shoot it out at such an insane speed that the stuff stays together just longn enough to reach the target.
--- End quote ---

That would be a particle gun, which we already have in the game.

--- Quote ---Of course I know this is completely impractical in the real world as has been pointed out, but then so are laser pistols and most other sci-fi weapons.
--- End quote ---

Laser and particle guns are no impractical. With sufficient technology they would be viable weapons and even desirable over conventional firearms. Hell, we already have working laser weapons.

From the discription of Plasma Grenade:
Rapid expansion of the plasma causes the casing to burst, spraying high-velocity fragments and plasma particles all over the area of effect. Due to the unstable nature of uncontained plasma, the grenade has a limited blast radius, beyond which the plasma particles cool and slow down too much to be dangerous. This radius is approximately 50% larger than that of a standard human frag grenade.

How much is that? a few metres or so for plasma particles, imagine what the range of a bolt of this kind of plasma would be.

Not that its realistic, just the Plasma Grenade is probably even more crazy.

The containment material for the plasma weapons is currently some sort of plastic, which as you say would instantly catch fire and burn away. Is it possible it could catch fire, but burn slow enough for the bolt to reach its target?

The name of the plasma grenade for the grenade launcher is "25mm PB Grenades", and is possible to misunderstand (annoying with shortenings  that means more than one thing). I first thought it was Particle Beam, until I read the UFOpedia saying Plasma Burst. What about finding a new name for the PB Grenades?


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