Development > Artwork
GUI Attempt
Thanks Hoehrer!! :D
I tested it and it works great!
I'll post the links to the Sources of this stuff and the Carrier soon :)
As promised, here's the sources for the GUI stuff that I've done so far. The file is a .PSD file. Again, thanks Mattn for the upload spot ;)
EDIT: Oops, forgot to add the Fonts. One of the fonts come with UFO:AI.
GUI Menu (3.80MB)
GUI Fonts (41KB)
It's been silent around this for a while. Can RaXaR or anyone else with the required skills make an ingame version of this GUI?
--- Quote from: BTAxis on August 21, 2007, 05:48:36 pm ---Bump!
It's been silent around this for a while. Can RaXaR or anyone else with the required skills make an ingame version of this GUI?
--- End quote ---
Blywulf is still experimenting with new GUI designs, he's been staying in contact with me, and can start doing the art when we settle on something workable.
Mind you, that shouldn't stop anyone else from giving it a go.
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