Technical support > Feature Requests
Can Bloodspiders carry weapons?
Uh... are they allowed to do that?
I'm pretty sure I even saw it fire around with that...
Sorry for the bad quality, and if this is meanwhile fixed or intended or has been reported.
The revision is a bit older, because the recent versions seem to have a broken aircraft system (?).
(20:24 xaver:../ufo/trunk > svn info
Pfad: .
Basis des Projektarchivs:
UUID des Projektarchivs: 39b98707-f80d-0410-bc7e-c6b02f5409da
Revision: 8869
Knotentyp: Verzeichnis
Plan: normal
Letzter Autor: tlh2000
Letzte geänderte Rev: 8813
Letztes Änderungsdatum: 2007-05-29 13:55:02 +0200 (Di, 29 Mai 2007))
Heh. No, that's not supposed to happen. Bloodspiders are supposed to have their own (melee) weaponry attached, and they can't carry any equipment. This is definitely undesired behavior.
Uhm... which version is that? Bloodspiders seem to be deactivated/commentet out of the data files in 2.1.1
--- Quote from: "ufoandy" ---Uhm... which version is that? Bloodspiders seem to be deactivated/commentet out of the data files in 2.1.1
--- End quote ---
He's using the SVN and is picking up the revision in development.
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