Development > Artwork

Alien blood

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Title says it all. I'm working on the autopsy pics and I wanted to find out what  set of colors should I use while drawing alien internal organs. I'll most likely do two or more different versions of the pic anyway but it would be better to start working with proper colors right off the bat. :D

I suspect that Winter will want to have the final say on this. We are not a democracy.

For my two cents:
-Green would be a bit cheesy (sorry for the english idiom - i could not think of a better word).
-How about a fairly dark purply-red?

What would look good in the composition probably depends on the skin colour.

I understand that you are keen to do the colours first time, but I fear that it may take a few iterations to see what looks best.

Just one color? Seems to me that different alien races might not all have the same kind of blood.


--- Quote from: "Sectoid" ---Just one color? Seems to me that different alien races might not all have the same kind of blood.
--- End quote ---

Good point. I guess the poll question should've been: "Is it ok for aliens to have red blood?" :) I think I already know the answer but I'll wait for Winter's statement on this subject.

The Ortnoks don't have blood  :)


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