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Author Topic: Log files and CTD's  (Read 7301 times)


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Log files and CTD's
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2007, 09:04:27 pm »
Quote from: "Mattn"
i tried your map now - very detailed - but you should really redruce the brushcount a lot.

one additinal note - even after i removed 50% of the light (which made the map ~5 mb smaller btw) the map was still too big and flushed the hunk memory... so the brush redruce should be really your next step. the map seams to be worth it - though i've never seen it with lights

Funny part is I can rip out 200 brushes and get a 1 mb difference.  I've added brushes and removed size on the map... it's wierd.  In general, yes, though, I'll attempt this.  After a certain point it's a different map, though.

Quote from: "Mattn"
e.g. the stairs - make the rail (the staves) one brush and use a transparent texture - then set alphatest in the surfaceflags for this brush

I have no idea how to do this texture... nor what the alphatest setting does.  I understand those railings are 'extra brushes'... however, when I ripped them out I got very little difference.  Maybe with some light removals it would have more of an effect.

Quote from: "Mattn"
or, e.g.
make them one brush and scale/shift the texture
Doh... yeah, thank you.  My inexperience shows here.  I know of a soda machine that could benefit from this, amongst other things, as well.

Quote from: "Mattn"
and you should maybe remove 50% of the lights you placed - play a little more with the ambient sun light flags (see Plugins->UFO:AI->worldspawn (day/night))

I'll see what I can do on this.

Quote from: "Mattn"
the lockers in the first floor doesn't have the levelflags set (set them via entity inspector to level 1)

I figured I'd missed a few things like this.  Was part of the 'final walkthrough' I wanted to do and started crashing... XD  Thanks for finding that, I'll get it corrected.

Regarding the doorway that you show in your images... won't the models smack their heads (0-4 floor, 4-64 for model)?  I figured the aliens wouldn't be able to exit with a header across the frame.

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Log files and CTD's
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2007, 08:01:29 am »
if you can move a info_player_start (e.g) through the door without hitting the door frame, yes - then the aliens and humans can walk through there, too (if the grid is aligned of course)

this is what i meant with alphatest - there is a new texture in our svn tex_buildings/railing.tga - this texture demonstrates the effect (as you can see the effect is not visible in radiant but only in the game


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Log files and CTD's
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2007, 12:03:14 am »

I removed approximately 1/3 of my lights.  I got negligible size difference in the .bsp.  Which ones did you pull?

I've combined some brushes and the like, I still need to do the stairway but there were a few wall pieces that I cleaned up, as well as the repeating brushes.  Think I knocked off about 100kb with these modifications (lights and brush combination).

For the above brush that you're showing with the alpha test, how would you control it to 'sit' on the stairs between the railing and the stairway (only way I can see it looking clean would be to overlap)? Does the transparency allow small shots to fly between the rails, or is it a solid brush to the universe?  I'm not exactly looking forward to stripping out my poor railed stairway.  I worked so hard on that. XD  Was the centerpiece of this map.  Oh well, it'll never be seen when the map doesn't work.   :o

I'm still working on it, but this information would help.  Thanks in advance.


WOOT... finally got this puppy to function... apparently the lighting really did a number on it.  Needs some tweaks and SHOULD be good to go. (WITH stairway!  muahahahaha!)

Xav: I ran into the same problem with stacked stairways.  I think the problem is in how the stepon brush operates.  It can't handle the two levels of stepping, and you can't split the brush because you need it to be able to cover the head of the unit below.  I think I might be able to make it work though by angling the top of the lower brush to go against the bottom of the upper brush, I'll try it out and let you know.

Up for public consumption once I finish off the tweaks and final walkthroughs.