Development > Artwork

Symbols for the geoscape

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Winter, the problems with icons (they are currently 3d models, btw), they are really small and will not be larger may be we need to redone the model,to make use not 256x256 texture but may be 64x64?

a 3D model following the 3D geoscape normal is IMO not a good idea. Look at google earth, it work very nice without.

Kildor: What does the texture size have to do with the size of the model? And how would a smaller texture make it clearer what's going on?

bayo: I don't know what's technically possible, but I don't want to revert the geoscape to a bunch of abstract 2d symbols. It removes the geoscape too much from tactical gameplay. Both need to have the same sort of style. I don't really care how far they project from the globe surface, they just have to be easily visible from all angles.



--- Quote ---easily visible from all angles
--- End quote ---
Good luck

Winter, texture is blurred because the model is big, and it is resized in game. Look to attach file.


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