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Author Topic: Trooper Equipping Screen Suggestion  (Read 2055 times)


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Trooper Equipping Screen Suggestion
« on: May 22, 2007, 02:01:50 pm »
As far as equipping your Troopers go, may I suggest:

- Stack the weapons and other munitions to take only one spot in the equipment screen with a number in the corner or bottom telling how many of that piece of gear are in the base inventory.  If a player wants to take one for equipping his Trooper, he just drags the icon to the character's inventory to take one.

- Put in a scrolling bar.

Combining both abilities for the equipment screen would prevent clutter of literally 1 type of item taking up half the total inventory screen.  You will also be able to fit more item types in a single screen and minimize the amount of scrolling required.

Jolly Roger

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Trooper Equipping Screen Suggestion
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2007, 03:40:52 pm »
This idea's goal is to make crew assignment less tedious:
A sort of "equipment templates" or "sets" could be implemented. These could be e.g. "Team Default" - applied to all crew members, "Killer" - equipped with deadly weapons, "Hunter" - equipped with stunners etc. and maybe other templates. The player could then apply a given template to a selected trooper and eventually add some other stuff.


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Trooper Equipping Screen Suggestion
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2007, 03:57:34 pm »
It would be also handy if one could place/remove a piece of equipment using a click (RMB) or ctrl-click or something like that. Primary weapons would go by default to hand, secondary to holster, rest to the belt. If destination is already occupied, than place an object in the backpack.

I just hate dragging ;)