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Author Topic: How you can help to speed up the next release?  (Read 42244 times)

Ain Soph Aur

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Re: How you can help to speed up the next release?
« Reply #45 on: February 08, 2010, 01:12:35 am »
So he wrote a message to Mattn, but Mattn does not seem to answer him. Maybe he doesnt get the message? If you read this Mattn, here is someone who wants to talk to you :)

@ VaeliusNoctu

deutsch: Vielleicht solltest du deine Nachricht einfach hier reinschreiben. Vielleicht kann dir ja jemand anders auch helfen. Wenn es möglich ist, versuch auf englisch zu schreiben damit alle dich verstehen.
english: Maybe you should post your question here. Maybe someone else can help you too. And please, if possible try to write in english.

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Re: How you can help to speed up the next release?
« Reply #46 on: February 08, 2010, 08:05:25 pm »
Goodness!  I was actually going to finish my dual-posted message addressing all of VaeliusNoctu's comments, except that I was doing it in sections with the "edit" button but before I could submit a final post my internet service died, courtesy of a nasty winter storm.  I didn't have Internet for several days, and got back online just now.

@Ain Soph Aur: Thanks for jumping in while I was offline.

Side note:  For those that know German for real, how close (awful) was my grammer?  Was I even partially understandable?   :P

As for posting in English with a translator, I personally don't mind if it is double-posted (or whatever you want to call it) in two languages at once, in fact in my case it makes it easier because I can compare both versions and grab pieces from both to get the whole message better - but Mattn should make the final decision on forum posting guidelines.

Ain Soph Aur

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Re: How you can help to speed up the next release?
« Reply #47 on: February 08, 2010, 11:32:24 pm »
Goodness!  I was actually going to finish my dual-posted message addressing all of VaeliusNoctu's comments, except that I was doing it in sections with the "edit" button but before I could submit a final post my internet service died, courtesy of a nasty winter storm.  I didn't have Internet for several days, and got back online just now.

@Ain Soph Aur: Thanks for jumping in while I was offline.

Side note:  For those that know German for real, how close (awful) was my grammer?  Was I even partially understandable?   :P

As for posting in English with a translator, I personally don't mind if it is double-posted (or whatever you want to call it) in two languages at once, in fact in my case it makes it easier because I can compare both versions and grab pieces from both to get the whole message better - but Mattn should make the final decision on forum posting guidelines.

no problem.
the first sentence was perfect. but you could replace "Ihnen" with "dir" because thats more personal.
the second sentence was understandable but to be honest, i wouldn't call it good :)
but we should come back to the main topic here.

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Re: How you can help to speed up the next release?
« Reply #48 on: February 09, 2010, 01:23:17 am »
Side note:  For those that know German for real, how close (awful) was my grammer?  Was I even partially understandable?   :P
Just curious: was it really *your* German or some bablefish ?

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Re: How you can help to speed up the next release?
« Reply #49 on: February 09, 2010, 02:27:46 am »
Just curious: was it really *your* German or some bablefish ?

It was mine, which is why it was so awful - I think the first sentence was better because it has words and phrases I've used before, while for the next one I was doing grammatical gymnastics that were new to me, that I had to build one word at a time and then hope.  I prefer to do German "manually" and not with some automatic translator, web-based or otherwise, because otherwise I wouldn't learn anything.  The closest I get is using a dictionary for single words if I really can't remember something.

(That's why I value feedback.)

Ain Soph Aur

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Re: How you can help to speed up the next release?
« Reply #50 on: February 09, 2010, 12:43:55 pm »
(That's why I value feedback.)

Original: "Wer hast du nachrichten sendst? Wenn du willst nicht beitrag im forum, sprechst du mit Mattn, er weisst Deutsch viel besser als ich."
Better: "An wen hast du die Nachricht gesendet? Wenn du den Beitrag nicht im Forum haben willst, sprich mit Mattn, der kann besser deutsch als ich."

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Re: How you can help to speed up the next release?
« Reply #51 on: February 09, 2010, 08:49:53 pm »
so I understand you speak german to some extent AND want to improve it.
Ok, I'll keep that in mind in case I run into some place where you can practice.

Here is the bablefish translation for your amusement:
"Zu wem schickten Sie Mitteilungen? Wenn Sie don' t möchten im Forum I' öffentlich bekannt geben; d schlagen vor, mit Mattn zu sprechen, er spricht viel besser deutsch als ich tun."

Well, hard to judge, but I'd say your version is already a little better than bablefish :)

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Re: How you can help to speed up the next release?
« Reply #52 on: February 09, 2010, 10:12:01 pm »
so I understand you speak german to some extent AND want to improve it.
Ok, I'll keep that in mind in case I run into some place where you can practice.

Here is the bablefish translation for your amusement:
"Zu wem schickten Sie Mitteilungen? Wenn Sie don' t möchten im Forum I' öffentlich bekannt geben; d schlagen vor, mit Mattn zu sprechen, er spricht viel besser deutsch als ich tun."

Well, hard to judge, but I'd say your version is already a little better than bablefish :)

For even more fun, one could run that text through a translator again back into English - I'd bet real money that the result wouldn't match the original English version.  In fact, most times when that is done (into one language then back again), the results can be really off-the-wall.

This has gotten rather off-topic - I don't mind discussing this but it doesn't belong in this thread.
I'm totally open to continuing it in a separate topic thread though.