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Author Topic: No more recruits  (Read 5663 times)


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No more recruits
« on: May 14, 2007, 09:47:42 pm »
I'm about 5 missions into the game and have run into a big problem, I lost all except 7 soldiers. Almost all got cut in half by big alien swords ;)
I tried recruiting more but there are no more soldiers. I have waited until the next UFO mission but still nothing. How long does it take for new soldiers to appear?

I believe I have this problem because I did not build a hospital right away so I'm going to start over.

BTW, I can't believe that they still include "Tux Racer" with most Linux systems instead of this real 3D kick-ass game. Good work!


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Re: No more recruits
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2007, 10:55:02 pm »
Quote from: "Skylinux"
I'm about 5 missions into the game and have run into a big problem, I lost all except 7 soldiers. Almost all got cut in half by big alien swords ;)
I tried recruiting more but there are no more soldiers. I have waited until the next UFO mission but still nothing. How long does it take for new soldiers to appear?

At your monthly funding update you'll get new personnel.

I believe I have this problem because I did not build a hospital right away so I'm going to start over.

I think you can only get away with an early hospital on the easier difficulties.  You'll need to be more careful with your troops... and use the 'retry mission' button when you lose soldiers you can't replace yet.  Besides this... With the ease of 'one shot' kills your early soldiers receive, it's not really going to benefit you much.  A medikit or two will do the same for the one soldier actually alive after being shot up some.  Just remember you can't self-medicate.


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No more recruits
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2007, 11:19:02 pm »
ust remember you can't self-medicate.

Yeah figured that one out :roll:  but I usually move in pairs using multiple points of entry. The biggest problem is that  the aliens are so fast, they shoot 4-5 times with plasma rifles and still have time to retreat out of sight ....

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I think you can only get away with an early hospital on the easier difficulties.

Why? I'm playing normal and have two work shops, hospital, troop room and extra science build so far so good except the soldier problem.
I did notice a bug where I can use a building while it is being build  if another of the same type already exists.

Anyway I'm going to start over and check back in a few missions ;)


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No more recruits
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2007, 06:29:25 am »
Ohh yeah this is fun  :D  just need to get the lag out of the game, feels like I have my old AGP card back in...

Anyway, I changed my tactic and I am a killing machine now.
My new tactic splits the eight soldiers into two squads of three and one squad of two. Both three member units are entry teams covering each other in the team.
This has the great advantage that if one is wounded, another can use the med kit while being covered by member three.
The two member squad is a sniper and grenade launcher team taking out targets of opportunity from the edges of the map.

Cleanup on isle 3:

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Offline breversa

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No more recruits
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2007, 10:39:03 pm »
Quote from: "Skylinux"
This has the great advantage that if one is wounded, another can use the med kit while being covered by member three.
The two member squad is a sniper and grenade launcher team taking out targets of opportunity from the edges of the map.

That's how it works in real life. ;-)

Offline Stalins Organ

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« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2007, 02:36:57 am »
Except how do you use a GL in UFOAI from eth map edge? Damned thing only has a range of 15!!


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« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2007, 05:58:36 am »
I am always mystified by the "range" number.  Does it refer to "meters"?  My guess is that each grid is somewhere between 1m x 1m to 1.5m x 1.5m.  If a particle beam rifle has a range of 150, its beam is suppose to reach 100 - 150 grids away...but obviously it is not so in the game.  Particle beam weapons can hit things about 1/2 to 2/3 map away, which looks like 20 - 30 meters away in the game graphics.


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No more recruits
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2007, 12:56:37 pm »
Sorry, but the recruiting system bothers me a lot. I played every release in the past year and a lot of svns, but its always the same: I want to check thru the strory quickly, so I ignore a lot of missions and if I start, then I never retry no matter the losses. So quickly I'll end up with no more soldiers and some unhappy governments and then .... nothing happens. Game keeps on running and I never get any more recruits, but a lot of cash from producing.

I really think there should be something like "androids" in Apocalypse. Expensive troopers which are not good, and can never become good, but can always be hired.

My suggestion: Call them "merceneries" and just fill the rest of the "recruit soldier" window with them... There needs to be some cannon fodder, since its highly unlikely that there are no people willing to fight for money.

Offline blondandy

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« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2007, 03:37:27 pm »
to sakusin:

have a look on the wiki around contribute/map building/modelling.

the side of a map square is defined as 4 feet. roughly 1.3 metres.

the range is in map squares (i did an experiment, counting them with the flamethrower - range 8 ).