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Author Topic: Level’s Graphics  (Read 6801 times)

Offline Level

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Level’s Graphics
« on: May 10, 2007, 08:39:45 pm »
I made these last summer but was unable to finish them because I got a new job.

Male Power Armor:

Female Power Armor:

Male Flight Armor:

Female Flight Armor:

I know there is already a power armor model, so mine be the heavy alien derived armor.

There may be some problems in the arms that I was working on but didn’t finish.

All but the female power armor are rigged; the female flight armor may not have the correct rig.

They need UV mapping and textures made.

If anyone has suggestion they would be welcome.

I can either send these to someone so anybody can edit them, or edit them myself which may take a while.

I have already posted this but received no comments: I have received permission from Axel Mellinger to use a 2400x1200 rectangular projection version of his All-Sky Milky Way Panorama,  for the background of the Geoscape.
He asks that his name be added to the list of credits.

Here is a preview:

And a preview of Blue Marble monthly images:

*Note some of the animations may be messed up on imageshack.


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Level’s Graphics
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 10:48:11 pm »
First of congratulations on your new job :)

Nice stuff you got there :) The models look ok to me but the final decision/critic is Winter's.

Only one thing I think would be needed to changed (or at least textured that way): the body should not be exposed IMO (e.g. arms&legs)... that's what the (bigger) armour is for after all - among other advantages :)

Starfield-background: Good idea, we have a (not yet 100% working) 3d view of the globe, i think it should be possible to use that here :)

Monthly blue marble images: Yes, i already played with the thought to use them but never came around to do it. Would certainly be a nice touch to show progress fo time :)

On  sidenote: Do you know how to export animated md5 models? The current power armour models still need rigging and it would be a general good idea to have the skeleton in Blender (e.g. MAX is fine and all, but we kinda try to switch most of the model-processing to open source tools).


Offline Winter

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Level’s Graphics
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2007, 08:49:37 am »
I'm sorry, but the entry for the heavy nanoplate suit in our needed models list specifically mentions "MUST NOT have independent wristbands or giant boots". I think I'll add giant shoulders to that list as well . . .

Either way, I'm afraid your model doesn't fit the new style. We're trying to fix the old team's design gaffes, not compound them. New modelled armour needs to look practical, unlike the old stuff.


Offline Winter

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Re: Level’s Graphics
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2007, 08:51:16 am »
Quote from: "Level"
I have already posted this but received no comments: I have received permission from Axel Mellinger to use a 2400x1200 rectangular projection version of his All-Sky Milky Way Panorama,  for the background of the Geoscape.
He asks that his name be added to the list of credits.

'Permission to use' isn't the same thing as 'GPL'. The panorama would have to have a compatible licence.


Offline Level

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Level’s Graphics
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2007, 10:06:39 am »
The job is not very new any more but thank you.

I think I can export animated md5 models, if I have the plugins.

I made these last summer and have not edited them much since October, the description did not exist then.

The independent wristbands and boots can easily be changed, as well as the shoulders.

The "giant boots", which there was nothing about, would not be easy to change though.

I kind of like the comic book style of the old stuff, it is what attracted me to both the original X-Com and UFO:AI in the first place.

I would be willing to make something in the "new style", if I have time, and there is a better description of what it should be like, not just what it "MUST NOT" be like.

For Axel Mellinger's All-Sky Milky Way Panorama, though we did not specifically use 'GPL', we did discuses that it would used in multiple free open source games and that it would be redistributable.

Thanks for your consideration, whether they are accepted or not.


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Level’s Graphics
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2007, 11:27:31 am »
I think I can export animated md5 models, if I have the plugins.

Could you please make test-exports of one or several of these models (and maybe your own animated models) into md5 format (.md5mesh and .md4anim)? It would really help me with the rigging/animating of other stuff.
That would be much appreciated :) I coudln't get this to work in any way.
The export plugin(s) can be found here IIRC (dunno if these are the most recent ones though)

Stars license: As long as it is compatible with the GPL, CC-BY or compatible we will include it for sure, they sure ar a lot better than a black background 8)

All your contributions are very welcome, even if not everything will make it into the game in the end.

Thanks again,

Offline Winter

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Level’s Graphics
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2007, 02:14:11 pm »
Quote from: "Level"
I made these last summer and have not edited them much since October, the description did not exist then.

That's because I only joined up in autumn last year to straighten out the storyline.

The independent wristbands and boots can easily be changed, as well as the shoulders.

The "giant boots", which there was nothing about, would not be easy to change though.

I'd offer to do it myself, but the only modelling software I can comfortably use is Wings 3d, which can't do animation.

I kind of like the comic book style of the old stuff, it is what attracted me to both the original X-Com and UFO:AI in the first place.

I don't think the troops would thank you if they got shot in their unarmoured groins/legs/arms while wearing the supposedly heaviest armour in the game. :P

It's not even about 'comic book style' so much as about blatant contradictions in the visuals compared to the mechanics and background of the game. If a suit of armour leaves parts of your arms and legs completely uncovered, and you get into -- say -- an explosion that would render any unarmoured human instantly dead, then you should logically have your arms and legs ripped off. This obviously does not happen, and it would be a really stupid piece of armour design on the part of people (and aliens!) who are supposedly super-qualified.

Besides, there are hundreds of 'comic book' games out there. Is it so bad to do something different for once?

I would be willing to make something in the "new style", if I have time, and there is a better description of what it should be like, not just what it "MUST NOT" be like.

I wrote the description with the specific intention of leaving people the most amount of creative freedom within the boundaries of 'plausible and practical design'.

If you'd like me to come up with the idea, I can do that, but then I'd be modelling (most of) it myself. Would you be willing to rig an armour of mine?

For Axel Mellinger's All-Sky Milky Way Panorama, though we did not specifically use 'GPL', we did discuses that it would used in multiple free open source games and that it would be redistributable.

Thanks for your consideration, whether they are accepted or not.

I'm sorry that we can't accept your model as-is -- I know how much work it is, being an occasional modeller myself -- but the game's gone through a serious design shift over the past year. We now have a clear development goal in mind and the game is leaping forward at a much faster pace. We have to be strict about maintaining the development goals, keeping both the art and the writing in one line. This is especially difficult because, unlike major commercial projects, we don't have a stable of artists standing ready to model, texture and animate everything we come up with.

We don't make these decisions lightly, but we have to make them. I'm not dismissing your models entirely, but they will need some work to make them a bit more plausible and in line with the written setting. For example (and I know there hasn't been a needed-model-list entry for this yet) the 'flying armour' is going to be powered by an antimatter jetpack with very limited fuel. This is a touch different and more practical than the usual 'magic antigravity' presented in other games and will help to give us a more unique feel.

My main quibbles with your designs are the wristbands, boots and shoulders. The anatomy is a bit wonky, too; the waists are too narrow and the hips nonexistent (at least on your females). They have huge thighs and yet no hips. This is a problem in the original 'Medium Armour' design you based your suits on, so I know it's not your fault.

Unfortunately that Medium Armour design is one I absolutely hate because of the terrible liberties it takes with anatomy, reality and the concept of armour in general. But I'd be very happy to see your work edited into somewhat more practical shapes.


Offline Psawhn

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Level’s Graphics
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2007, 08:44:30 pm »
Maybe using starmaps from NASA could work a little better?

As with many government images, they're virtually limitless. All they ask for are credits. (I'm not sure if it's GPL-compatible, but somone who knows their stuff better should take a looksie.)