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Author Topic: Awesome game, great job!  (Read 2494 times)


  • Guest
Awesome game, great job!
« on: May 10, 2007, 03:54:54 pm »
This is an absolutely fantastic game. Best UFO I have seen since Defense, the graphics are tight, the battlescape has an inexplicably smooth feel. The only complaint I could possibly think of besides, you know, the whole "not completely done yet" thing, is that the graphics in the base screen seem a But overall, a fantastic game. I was considering going out and buying UFO: Extraterrestrials next week, but it looks like I don't have to.


  • Guest
Awesome game, great job!
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 11:08:08 pm »
Awesome! Really has come a long way since I first found it. :)  (v 0.9)

One minor issue with interface that is driving me slowly insane is the mouse click. Right click should be *un click* not move. I really like that I can turn my men by middle clicking. I als find that my grenade launcher tends to lob grenades and when they hit the ground they seem to nearly *slide* the same distance no matter the firing arc. (higher arc = higher bounce and less distance traveled on rebound, while flatter arcs mean lower skips and more distance traveled on bounds.)

Great work guys! Keep it up!

(This is the absolute best X-com Redone game ever!)