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Author Topic: Strengh & Recoil  (Read 4593 times)


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Strengh & Recoil
« on: May 08, 2007, 12:51:53 pm »
Just a thought - Strengh should maybe lessen the bad impact of recoil.

Also crouching should lessen the impact of recoil too.

Offline Killertomato

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Strengh & Recoil
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2007, 03:21:39 pm »
As far as I  understand the wiki strength DOES have an impact on accuracy (as in negating/lessening the effect of recoil).

But why in the nine hells should crouching have such an impact?  :?


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Strengh & Recoil
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2007, 10:47:16 pm »
because there is currently no *prone* position. So i assumed that crouching includes also proning in the actual settings, and proning helps you better handle the recoil.

Offline breversa

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Strengh & Recoil
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2007, 10:37:22 pm »
When in properly crouched position, you sit on three points (i.e. for me : right knee, right foot under my butt, and left foot) instead of two (when standing), making you more stable.
You also rest your non-firing arm elbow on your knee, stabilizing your rifle even further.


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Strengh & Recoil
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2007, 10:56:42 pm »
Quote from: "breversa"
You also rest your non-firing arm elbow on your knee, stabilizing your rifle even further.

That would depend on what you were firing, and would require sitting, as you've mentioned.  Crouch here is more of a knee down stance, due to the height you actually shoot from (ie, sitting the way you describe you won't shoot out a normal window).  It is somewhat more stable, but definately not prone/sitting stable.

Offline breversa

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Strengh & Recoil
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2007, 12:28:37 pm »
It requires sitting... on your foot !

This is what I'm talking about, although the right foot is hidden behind the leg :

Offline blondandy

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Strengh & Recoil
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2007, 12:45:13 pm »
i think we have to accept that the in-game graphics are just representative, i think we can all get the idea.

breversa: nice to have a photo of how it should be done properly. is that you?

Offline breversa

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Strengh & Recoil
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2007, 01:21:39 pm »
Quote from: "blondandy"
i think we have to accept that the in-game graphics are just representative, i think we can all get the idea.


Quote from: "blondandy"
breversa: nice to have a photo of how it should be done properly. is that you?

Yes sir ! :)
I was a private first class at that time, and being given a quick presentation of the FN Minimi (M249 SAW in the US army), paratrooper version. You can also see an FR F2 7.62mm sniper rifle in my back.

Offline breversa

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Strengh & Recoil
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2007, 01:32:46 pm »
Oh, and here's another (older one). It was right after my basic training (private second class), and I'm manning a german Heckler & Koch G36 5.56mm rifle :

The position could use some slight improvements (right elbow more against the chest, left foot toes extended instead of "folded", overall position less "graspy"), but you can see the fundamentals :

1- three-points triangular ground base : 2 feet and one knee. Way more stable than standing !

2- use your knee as an elbow rest, with your lower arm (NOT the elbow itself !!!) resting against your kneecap.

3- right elbow/arm not horizontal (called "chicken leg", as you can see in bad movies)

4- body slightly leaning forward.


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Strengh & Recoil
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2007, 05:38:08 pm »
I stand impressively corrected.  Thank you breversa.

To many damned movies for me, I guess.  

It still seems like you wouldn't clear a windowsill like that, though.  I assume I'm wrong about that.

Offline breversa

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Strengh & Recoil
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2007, 07:20:43 pm »
Indeed : unless you're firing upwards (i.e. target on a higher floor than you are), a crouching position will more often than not prevent you from firing through a normal window.

But OTOH, it also prevents the ennemy from shooting AT you ! That's why recruits are taught to crouch when passing before/behind a window.

Okay, this one is nearly perfect :

This is just a posing photo, no shooting involed (hence the duct tape around the bolt handle and the barrel shroud to prevent dirt fouling, and no magazine), but you can notice how the left hand is only used as a rest and does not grab the rifle. And as usual, the 3-points ground base.